Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 just around the corner

Christmas has come and gone, and it's back to work tomorrow :(  We had a good visit with Mom and Dad.  The girls made things a little more restrictive.  Malia is known to get into whatever she can (she is the constant 2 year old) and Guiselle has anxiety.  So we made due.  
They arrived on Christmas Eve, early in the afternoon.  As soon as they got settled our two day storm hit.  Mom wanted and white Christmas and it worked out for her!  It was beautiful. We had a leisurely Christmas Eve, nothing fancy or festive.  
Christmas morning we opened all our gifts.  Shane got and stuffed stockings for everyone.  I need to get on that wagon for next Christmas, it's not right for him to stuff his own stocking!
After opening a majority of our gifts we packed up the girls and heading down to the Brown's.  We had a nice visit, had some more gifts, and clam chowder with ham sandwiches! YUM  We played games and just hung out.  We headed back home that night.
We did some running around the next day but that night Shane, Mom and I did the Zoo lights.  Very pretty stuff!  We also checked out the Temple Lights since we were passing through.  

Even though our fridge was full, we kept the beer cold.
It was a wonderful visit!

I was worried about Tux and the additional 2 dogs.  Guiselle and Tux were in a constant stare down but nothing that was worrisome.  Malia was scared, once she got hissed at Malia figured Tux was something that she did not want to mess with!  No one turned into best friends but it was a livable situation.

It's been a lazy week for sure.  Mom and Dad left yesterday morning and I couldn't tell you what I did, except pop some popcorn, watch some movies, napped, and watched more t.v. Today is shaping up to a little bit more of a productive day.  The goal is to shower sometime today!  I've been scanning in pictures to save so I can throw some away.  It's going rather quickly :)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...