Sunday, December 16, 2012

Last minute Christmas!

Well... it's not last minute, we still have a couple of weeks to go.  It feels like a lot of a last minute things though. This weekend Shane and I got most of our Christmas shopping done, I have a couple of little things to pick up but nothing that's stressful.  I've been adding to our holiday decorations a wee bit.  Mentally thinking of everything we need to do before the folks show up with two other dogs!  Poor Tux is going to be STRESSED!  I have more gift wrapping in front of me though :(  Some of Shane's gifts are in the car still, and his sister is sending gifts that I have to wrap... ugh.  It should be a fun Christmas.  Right now the plan is to go down to Marcia and Dave's on Christmas Eve and then spend the day with them!  So we will be relocating the animals, presents, and people!  Oh my!  It shall be interesting.  Tux will be grateful for a break though so it will be nice.  Ever try gift wrapping with a cat around?  Not the easiest and some of the wrapping paper has teeth marks.  
We got some snow this past week and even right now it's lightly snowing.  Sami got to spend some time outside.  The other day before Shane and I were getting ready to leave for shopping I took her out front to do her business, which she did.  Then she promptly sat down in the snow and looked at me like "I'm good, go about with your day.  I'm going to lay in the snow."
I know people with kids get irritated when people with out kids talk about their pets like they are kids.  I'm going to do it anyway.  I've heard that pets are like kids stuck in a toddler stage.  I've never had kids so I can't say if this is true or not, but I've heard plenty of stories about kids to think there may be some truth to this.  
Tantrums and fits, yes "pet tantrums" are not as bad as kid tantrumes but yesterday Tux was acting like he was starving to death, after he had dinner.  I go into the kitchen and he proceeds to flail about in front of our pantry (where his food his kept).  
I know I've seen pictures of kids on the floor pitching a fit.  You cannot see tears or a red face but this boy was wailing!  And yes I did give him some food, he's a growing kitten after all ;)  

Case number 2 of the pets like kids example.  I get home and everyone wants my attention, the pets and Shane.  I got home from shopping and had to go pee...bad.  No one else was in the house so the door was not an issue. I got a ball thrown at me and well....I felt as if I was on stage!
I can't help but laugh at these guys.  Pets do bring a level of warmth, amusement and irritation to one's life :P

Shane and I are merging our furniture taste, our lives, and our traditions.  I wasn't raised with strong holiday traditions.  We did the usual things... tree, gifts, open 1 gift on Christmas Eve, the rest on Christmas... done and done.  Shane has a stronger sense of holiday tradition.  Lots of gifts, and stockings!  The use and implementations of stockings was a big discussion last year.  I did not do functional stockings every year growing up.  I think we had them when I was younger but as Chris and I got older, they turned into more decorative pieces. Last year, spending Christmas with his family I witnessed the importance of the stockings.  Everyone had one, and each one was filled to capacity with random things.  A majority of my stocking items are still in the original wrapping....So that brings me to my stocking argument!  I hate buying little crap things that will not be used or needed!  Apparently last night while Shane was shopping he got stocking stuff AND stuff for the pets :P  

I already know one of my New Year's Resolutions will be.... start this holiday craziness early November!  That will give me relaxed time for shopping and wrapping, and at least buying good and useful stocking stuffers.  We will see how that pans out....

This past week I had dinner with Amanda, one of my longest friends who happens to live 15 minutes away from me!  We both get caught up with our crazy lives and it's been months since we had lunch together (it was still warm).  It was great to see her and she's doing well, major house renovations going on!  Can't wait to see the new updates :)  New Year's Resolution #2, make more time for my least monthly get together's and to call my friends that live away from me!

Oh... I'm trying the vegetarian thing again.  I read this article about the big beef industry.  After my trial of being vegetarian for 6 months I got really bad anemia so I went back to meat.  It does make life easier to eat meat, let me tell you!  But I've always thought about going back, then I saw this article and it just gave me that push to try it again.  I'm going to gradually cut back on meat, while adding iron supplements.  I also read that Vit C aids in the absorption of iron so I'm going to ensure I do that.  Shane, of course, will not be attempting this venture with me and that is fine.  As long as he respects and supports my decision to do this and he does.  It will make the whole dinner making process interesting but that's where the gradual cut back on meat comes in.  I got some dinners that I've already planned and bought for that I will still make (Salisbury steak anyone?) but after that I will cut back on what is in the house, and the meat that I do buy will be happy meat.  I guess it will be better to say that I am a semi-vegetarian, mostly vegetarian with some meat meals.... which will probably be at home because I can control where and what type of meat that I'm eating.  I decided this a few days ago.  Since then, no meat... just fish when we go out.  So, me being semi vegetarian take two!

By this time next week, our house will be full of 3 dogs, 1 cat, and 5 adults!  Wish us luck with minimal fur flying!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...