Monday, November 12, 2012

Nuts and Nails

I'm such a slacker when it comes to these post.  I should strive for at a minimum weekly post... Sunday morning while I have my coffee and the rest of the house is asleep.  We'll see how long that last, especially since I'm writing this on Monday AND the next two Sundays I'll be visiting family and friends in Missouri!

Meet Tux
As I type he's keeping my lap warm, he's defiantly a mama's boy ;)  We got him from a family where the mom had allergies, I kinda doubt this due to the fact that they had a couple of dogs and another cat....but, on the other hand people can develop allergies, each cat has a specific type of dander so it could be true.  
Tux is vocal, which I wanted in a cat.  You may think that is crazy but he isn't over the line.  He talks and makes little "comments" and he will let you know when you are not getting his food in his dish fast enough.  He purs loudly, which I also like.  There is something about a cat's content pur that strips away stress.  Don't get me wrong, it's not all warm fuzzies with a little kitten.  I have scratches and just this morning he decided that I was a cat tower.  He drew blood on that leap of faith.  His cuteness does outweigh his kitten hallway attacks, and the little licks that turn into a chomp of baby teeth and feet of needles.
We took him to the vet just the other day.  He got his second round of shots, which he took like a trooper (didn't flinch at all).  The vet is a wiry guy that reminds me of an old rocker.... someone that should be touring with Aerosmith.  He has that weather look (I bet he has a Harley), a cool demeanor, there was classic rock playing in the waiting room, and he was honest.  I asked about those nail covers (Shane and I both have discussed the declawing and we were on the fence).  RockerVet says, "they are crap"  I love honesty like that, to the point and lets move  on.  He was vocal in everything they he was doing with Tux, throwing little tid bits of knowledge our way.  His baby teeth will fall out around this time, he's healthy and streamline.....  So I asked about the declawing and neutering.  He is an advocate for declawing, his cats are all declawed and it doesn't slow them down.  He even knows outside cats that will still make a kill and bring it home.  
After Thanksgiving, Tux is loosing his nuts and nails!  I've told him this but I don't think he gets it.  Not only will this save our furniture, actually it's not too bad right now, but I don't know how much blood I can loose with his random stabbing.  
Tux is going to have a stressful November.  We already went to the vet, then next week he will be staying with a friend while we go to Missouri.  THEN there is a good chance Sami will come home with us!  Then, he looses his nuts and nails.

Moving on... I'm glad October is over.  Between work stress, food poisoning, and just a lot of work...I needed this long weekend!  My work schedule is now 4/10s, I work four days of 10 hours with Friday off.  So I had a 4 day weekend!  It's been good.  Plus with it being Veteran's Day Shane and I are taking advantage of all the free meals out there!  Gluttony for Thanksgiving begins on Veteran's Day!  I passed my fitness test, just in time for all this food!  I meant to keep my workout going strong, but I got a head cold and so there was a week of no work outs.  Back on that treadmill tomorrow!  

I attend a 2 day leadership conference this past week and it was interesting.  Big surprise here.... I'm and introvert!  REALLY?! There was some surprises but overall no shockers. I got a better understanding of my leadership skills, and what the other "types" are like to improve my interactions with them.  If anyone is offered to attend a conference like that I recommend it.  I am getting better at my leadership role.  One of the test was to see what your conflict style was.  I rated the highest in avoidance.  Not a big surprise but I don't feel as though I avoid conflict.  They had explanations of all of them and reading about the avoidance style made it less of a negative.  I tend to pick and choose what I'm going to get into a conflict about, and before I do I tend gather information and try to get my bearings before confronting someone. Over the past couple of months I've been in a lot of work conflicts and looking back on those I can see why I scored highest on avoidance.  I still deal with things and get stuff handled but I'm not an confrontational person.  So good stuff there.

For Halloween, we didn't go out or anything.  I think the past month was too crazy as it was and I didn't have the energy to put forth a plan for going out and I was burnt out on people.  I still am to an extent.  We did go all out and decorate our front walk way, and I did a quick dress up to hand out candy.  So we were not total lazy butts!  We got a good handful of compliments on our walkway so that was cool :)

Winter has had a slow start this year.  A few weeks ago we had some snow, it didn't really linger.  But this Friday we had our first good snow and it's lingering around.  It's pretty, especially when the sun comes out and there is that fresh snow.  But going out and about in the cold... yuck!  It does help me get into the holiday spirit, with the warm and cozies, looking for the hot toddies when we go out for dinner, snuggling and looking out at the falling snow. There are pros and cons to everything.  It's all about perspective!

I'm not overly political, and am not a fan of talking politics.  Mainly due to not feeling like I'm fully educated on things.  Then again, who is when it comes to politics?!  Then you have the people who come off as smart in this area and all they are doing is vomiting out things they read from one source.  I have my views, what is important to me, and my vote reflects that.  This is the first year that I sat and watched the debates, and followed what was going on more so than any other year.  I fully intended to stay up to see who won, but fell asleep at 8:30 (yes it's been a rough month).  As soon as my alarm went off at 3:45 in the a.m., I looked to see who had won.  I'm glad to see the elections are over.  I am proud to say that I have Facebook friends on both sides of the political spectrum so I was seeing passionate post from both sides.  This made for an interesting political season but at times it saddened me due to, at times, the closed mindedness of post and views.  I have my own bouts of narrow mindedness, but the anger and negative emotions take it too far and that has saddened me.  We as a human race have so much farther to go!

I have been serving my country for 18 years.  I am blessed with travels that have taken me into the world, my interactions with people from all backgrounds, nationalities, and beliefs have embedded with me a passion for the progression of the human race (not just Americans), and I feel as though I respect other's views and opinions without calling them "stupid".  I may not agree or understand why their views are what they are, but I try to understand and if I struggle to find that understanding I acknowledge the difference and respect the person.  Being part of the military has been wonderful for me and to me.  It has truly made me a better person, and to be a part of the military is something that cannot be expressed only felt.  This bond I have with people across the U.S., and even with other military members of other countries can never be broken.  I am apart of something bigger than I can even understand.  I am a part of American and World history.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...