Thursday, October 18, 2012

A new respect for my body

I'm on quarters today, for those that are not military that means the doc said I could stay home from work and recover.  Which is good because I haven't had anything substantial to eat since Tuesday late morning, which really doesn't count cuz it didn't stay there.
Doc couldn't narrow down what it was but it could have been food poisoning or a really aggressive gut virus.  Shane had it first, we had a trip to the ER early Tuesday morning and then I went into work.  By about 1pm I'm getting waves of nausea to the point I tell my boss; I'm not doing anything, I can't focus, and it's not getting any better.  I leave, make it about a mile down the road and then I'm pulled off using the bowl I had stashed for Shane for that morning.
Sitting on the side of the road having aggressive gut evacuation is not fun.  At least I had a bowl so I had some sort of "privacy" and was able to sit inside the car and not bent over outside.  After a couple of rounds, I did feel better (for a minute or two).  I have a 40-45 minute commute.
This commute consisted of prayer, rolling down the window off and on, focusing on everything but the nausea, and then the focus was narrowed down to clenching of the butt cheeks.
I made it home without adding anything of a biohazard material to my car. Even though I thought, if I "mess" my car would that be an excuse to get a new one? hmmm
Made it home, made it to the bathroom, and then off with the uniform.  I regularly amaze myself with the speediness of usually putting on my uniform when recalled or late for work, but apparently I can strip off the uniform with the same amount of speed.
Shane was still in bed and assumed that I was getting home and he had slept all day, to which I informed him I had what he has.  
For the next few hours (I'm not even sure really, it's all a blur) but I went back in forth from praying and squatting with the porcelain god...and even laid down on the bathroom floor a few times.
I've been sick around Shane but this has really pushed it to a new level.  During my first round of praying, Shane stuck his head into the bathroom
"do you want me with you, or left alone"
I seriously felt like having a Linda Blair moment when I growled "left alone".  If I could have spun my head around and maintained the prayer position I probably would have.
Poor Codi felt like he should have a HAZMAT suit on, ended up texting us from the next room "got some soup going" "need anything?"
He's a good kid.
So why would I respect my body for beating every semblance of nutrition out of me?!  
Think about it, we abuse our bodies on a regular basis with the toxic foods we eat.  Our body takes it, it can handle it but over the long run it's going to get us (cancers, some weird tumor, who knows) but it seems to pick it's battles.  I try to do right and not eat junk daily but I do eventually go for the greasiest non nutritional filled menu item available.  The fact that when push comes to shove and our bodies KNOW we have something toxic and highly damaging it's "ALL HANDS ON DECK" it's time to purge the system and get a clean slate.  How can you not respect the wonderful workings of the human body?
Don't get me wrong, I DO NOT want to wish this week on anyone nor do I want to do this again.  But even in the midst of praying I respected what my body was trying to do.  Maybe this is my tree loving self coming out but the human body is pretty cool.
Also, I've been thinking about a cleanse to get on the right foot with eating maybe my body got tired of me "thinking about it" and took that decision over ;)  
So... my day of recovery, woke with a splitting headache.  The headache of one that hasn't had coffee in days and well, it's a daily requirement.  I broke down and while I've been typing this I have been drinking a cup of coffee.  
My stomach has been audible letting me know that it probably wasn't the best choice of fluids for a recovery day :( 
Sorry body, the mind won that decision.  Guess will see who wins over all in an hour or two ...

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Life is work!

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