Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lazy Sundays

I guess a positive to football season is that on Sunday I get free rein to do whatever.  Not that I am on lock down, but I know that my man will be occupied so if I want to update my blog, go window shopping, play around on FB it doesn't matter :)

I'm still working on my applications to schools.  USC has my application money and I need to do some more paper writing for the other two along with requesting my transcripts get sent everywhere (more money).  ugh

Last night I went with Shane and we volunteered for his booster club at work to man a snack station at the big Utes vs BYU game.  It was crazy, and no I really didn't watch any of the game.
It's been awhile since I've been to a college football game.  We parked close to a bar we planned on visiting after the game, and then rode the trax up to the stadium.  It was a sea of red, except for a lone BYU fan on our trax car!  We were late :( so that made for a rough start.  We got to the game, signed in, grabbed a t-shirt, and off for our chicken coop (we served snacks but the main deal was chicken sandwiches, wings, and fingers).  Our group of 4 were the first ones there and we were not in charge.  Some girl that was making sure everyone was good to go for the sections was bossy and irritating, but we were late and we were suppose to have a crew of over 10 people so our measly 4 got the brunt of her irritation cuz the rest of the crew was late (and some didn't even show at all).  In the end we got a good working system down.  I avoided working as a cashier and I helped with getting the food prepped and sent out when someone called back an order.  We survived half time and soon after that we were closing down :) Our feet were KILLING us!  we took the trax back down the hill and I made it clear I was not going to stand in a bar for a drink.  It seemed most of our normal haunts were packed to the gills.  So we went and parked an alley away from the Beerhive and while walking there we passed O'Shucks.  A bar that only had 3 guys sitting in it.  BINGO!  No crowd, we can have a conversation, and a few drinks to end the night.  My kind of bar :)  I'd go back there!

Just realized that I didn't post about our Colorado Springs trip.  Shane and I know a guy that lives out there and haven't met his new wife yet, so off we went for our long weekend.  We had a good time.  We first stopped at old Colorado Springs and walked the old indie shops.  Our first stop was a little store that had local wines and wine tasting :)  Walked out with three bottles!  Had lunch at a local pub, Thunder & Buttons II so the guys could get some local brews.  Then we were off to Manitou Springs and tried naturally carbonated mineral springs.
All I can say about that, not a big fan of the mineral spring taste:P  That evening there was a big hot air balloon glow so we checked that out.  Pretty awesome!
After the glow we did some bar hopping in downtown before calling it a night.  The next day was the AF Academy and the Olympic Training facility.  Since it was on a sunday there were no tours but it was neat to walk through.

We ended that day with a BBQ and just hanging out relaxing.  The next day it was on the road back home :(  We the lovely smart phones I was able to find a little college pub to have lunch at in Laramie called The Library.  I wasn't impressed with my food, but I'm thinking it's just cuz of what I ordered, but loved the atmosphere of the place.  It had books along the walls, and the tables and chairs were old desk.  Fun little college bar :)

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