Sunday, August 21, 2011

Back to Ohio.....

Last week I went back to Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio for a week of training.  The training was fine and the people were interesting.  It was nice to see the place when it wasn't cold and snowing.  Went back to the AF museum because my Cpt that I was traveling with had never been there.

We also went to the Sunwatch Indian Reservation.  We got there about an hour before closing and we were the only one's there.  We watched a quick video about the Indians and then went out side to check out the village.  They had a canoe that I figured was great for a quick photo op which turned out to be a joke for the rest of the day because I thought I could fit in it but apparently as my captain said "my hips are too big according to Indian standards" LOL

After the reservation we went to the Germanfest in Dayton.  When we first got there there was pretty much a majority of old people but then the young folks started showing up.  We stayed for a little bit and then took off back to the base for some karaoke.  It was a good week but I was ready to get home.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...