Saturday, June 25, 2011

day by day

What a couple of weeks.  But as a good adult, a responsible adult, I've made it through yet another week of work!  For those that are within talking distance have gotten an ear full on my job and what I think about it.  To put it bluntly-the management needs to pull their heads out of their ass!  They cannot continue to run their business with good quality customer care with the manning that they have.

It's Saturday and yesterday is behind me along with the rest of the work week so on to good stuff.

This weekend is the Utah Arts Festival and it kicked of Thursday night.  I had a friend that was town bound (he lives WAY up by the base :P ) so he met me at my place and after a quick change out of work clothes we were on our way.  It was a great night.  We talked a lot, we have similar jobs, and it helps me have a better understanding of my job because it's not like my coworkers are this open and helpful about things in gaining the whole picture.  I always like looking at the art and the people.  Last time I went it wasn't as big as it is this year! They got a big stage set up. We heard some folk singers while sitting on a curb chatting and watching people.

    side note: why do girls wear high heals to something they are going to do a lot of walking at?!  don't get it!

Had some good food and then ended the night with some good ol' Irish music!  I had to laugh cuz wherever I go I seem to find some good Irish band :)  Thursday night was the Young Dubliners.  The had some good stuff but I was reminded of Hawaii's Dooln' Rakes.  I found out there is a Irish Music Festival up in Ogden at the end of July! WOOT :D

I had to break down and buy some fans yesterday on my way home from work.  the mercury is rising and I needed some comfort and air flow in my apartment.  It's getting warm but it will give me a reason to go roam the streets, get out and do stuff.  I need to enjoy this summer, come September I'm going to be hitting the books again!

Before I get on with my lovely Saturday I'm going to post a couple of poems from this past week, I tend to write when I'm in a low.  So, if you're feeling good from my post go ahead a stop  reading :P

be funny
all is well
let me be your cheer
Don't you know
Can't you see
I'm barely holding on
This smile
not mine
just a remembrance
can i use some strength
for me

not take calls-
it's ME
are you tired?
are you sane?
just let me hear your voice
i promise
no complaining
I'll be happy
I'll tell jokes
I'll tell you it will be better
I'll listen
I'll be positive
You won't know my pain
my fears
my low
I promise
I won't be me

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...