Sunday, May 15, 2011

New job.... two weeks ago

O.k. I'm late on the latest and greatest news.  I got a new job and I start week three tomorrow... that is if I don't call in sick.  I've had a a head cold since Thursday. I probably would be on my way to feeling better but this weekend was my guard weekend and even though I left early today getting up early and playing war isn't conducive to getting to feeling better.  Must I mention that instead of a mile and a half run we did an insanity work out DVD and today I feel as though my thighs and gluteus maximus is going to catch a fire every time I move... again it doesn't help my body heal when I'm beating it up with some insane ass work out!  But this post is about my new job :P
Nope... it's not a medical job.
I am a move coordinator.  I was recommended by someone I worked with about 5 years ago at Hill AFB when I did some reserve days with the Traffic Management Office.  I went on an interview and was very honest about my background in that I only worked in TMO at Hill for about 6 months and that was years ago.  But apparently they were happy with my interviews and my recommendation.  So ta da I have a new job :) and the pay is better too!
What I am doing is coordinating the moves of military members.  We get an order and I get to orchestrate the whole thing, all over the continental United States.  This past week I've talked to military members in Alaska, Virginia, California,  and Texas just to name a few areas.  It's not an easy job. There are a lot of programs to work with, a lot of data to keep, a lot of people to talk to... it IS an orchestration!
At the end of the week my trainer is going on vacation for a week and I'm already stressing about it. It seems to be my luck, I start a job and before I know it I'm left to my own devices.  There are other move coordinators at the job but none of them specialize in the military moves, and well... the military is special ;)  So next week I'm going to be overly stressed :(
But... so far so good.  They seem to be a good group of folks that I work with.  They work hard but they have a good laugh every now and then too.  It is cubical work, a lot of time on the phone but it's not torture.  This job gives me a little bit more freedom and wiggle room than my last job when it comes to work hours.  Right now it's set for the typical 8-5, but in the interviews when I talked about school they mentioned how some folks come in earlier or later depending on things going on.  SO... I made an appointment with the guidance counselor at a school near bye to get some information about moving forward with my master's degree.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...