Friday, April 29, 2011


The night before Easter Sunday I baked cupcakes.  That was my duty given to me by Marcia for the Brown's Easter get together.  I take my duties seriously.  Look at these beauties!  I'd like to draw your attention to the old stove with the push buttons.
Easter Sunday I got up and got to decorating.  They make it so easy but I'm was getting a finger cramp from making the fancy little decorations.
So, for the mess ups... a solid smear of icing and or a Peep, which I found out are pretty gross!  Really! Who really eats those things?

So I leave my apartment and as I come to the first light some older gentleman is waving his keys and money at me.  I lock my doors and roll down my windows a wee bit.  The guy needed a ride up the road to his truck with a dead battery.  The buses weren't running and low and behold I give the man a ride.
Now get this, it's Easter and I give a ride to Abraham from Egypt :P  
To point out he wasn't a total weirdo/creep when I stopped to get gas he got out of the car and waited outside, so he was respectful.  He's been in Utah for awhile and back in Egypt he use to do tours for folks around the pyramids!  Yep, I got his number!  I gave him my email.  Apparently he lives right around me and knows the neighbor lady with a big yard next to my apartment complex.  She's from Lybia and likes his Egyptian meals he cooks (their kids play together).  I told him next time he cooks up some Egyptian food to shoot me an email and I'll be there! YUM

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Life is work!

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