Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Signed sealed....and almost delivered!

Lease was signed yesterday after work.  Today I went over to the apartment to get some measurements and take some pictures :D

I'll be moving 29 Jan! I'm so excited! Here are pictures of my cute, old, cozy (small) apartment:)

This is standing at the front door looking into the living room.  Love all the windows and hardwood floors :)

This is standing at the right side of the living room by the windows.  I have built in storage and the closet looking thing at the right was a Murphy bed at one point but they put shelves in and the doors for more storage.

 On to the one cook kitchen :P  There seems to be a lot of storage but we'll see how well my stuff fits into them.  Back in the day everything was smaller ;)  Also, the shelves go all the way to the ceiling, so I'll need to get a step stool or something so I can utilize those shelves.  I know back in the day people were short too so I'm not sure what that's all about!  Above the stove the box thing that looks like the electrical box is actually a place to put spices and cooking stuff!

 My quaint dining area LOL.  There is storage under the seats, not much but it's better than nothing.

The bedroom, this is standing in the bathroom doorway.  Yes, for you folks that will be visiting... to use the bathroom you'll have to go through the kitchen and through the bedroom.  It doesn't bother me, that's how my place was in Hawaii.  Plus, it means I have to keep my bedroom clean and neat!
 This is standing in front of the windows in the bedroom, so you can see there is a closet and of course the bathroom.
So there you have it, my blank canvas of an apartment! 

My "new year" begins 1 Feb, because this is the real start to my next life chapter.  What is so cool about where my apartment is that I can easily walk to "city life" one way or go the opposite direction for a run in the avenues and old school neighborhoods!  I'd also like to mention that my work commute is going from about 40 minutes to 6!   I'm on the top floor so no one is above me, I'll get a good work out walking up and down 4 flights of stairs (5 flights on laundry days), and for the next week I'm going to be going through my stuff that's been boxed up for 3 years and do a major purge/cleanse of my past. 


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