Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Purge

Started going through boxes last night.  I was a little worried about this activity.  Back in the day I would get side tracked by photo albums, letters from ex's, books, movies... pretty much everything I had to touch.  It's a hoarder moment.  Memories and times in life are attached to every day objects.

Last night was not the norm for me.  I started with boxes with "books" on them because I know I had kept a lot of books that I probably didn't need to.  I love books.  Hell, I got rid of a lot of books when I left Hawaii and I'm not talking school books.  Of course some of the boxes had other things besides books, stuff to hang on the wall, year books, letters and cards from ex's, anything to fill up the box.  
Yes, I looked at a couple of photo albums and I smiled.  
I've had a lot of good times with  good people.  I was really good about tossing away the letters and cards.  Before, I would read these and feel the emotions that I did the first time and then I'd be sucked into memory lane, not in a good way.  I would focus on the good times, wonder about the "what if's", about the what went wrong BLAH BLAH BLAH.  There is no need for such behavior.  I know once I go there, I end up being melancholy which merges with depressing and then I'm in the fast lane for being antisocial and dancing with my monkey brain.  
There is no need for such behavior :P
I posted before that my new apartment is a clean slate. I am taking stuff over that has memories attached but there is no furniture, there is no guy that I'm dating in the back of my mind that is in some weird way influencing any behaviors.  Granted I got a message from a cutie that really made my night, but like most of my luck... find a guy that has potentional for being something special and he lives in another country! LOL  
It's the year of me anyway so I'll just enjoy our correspondences.
Today I need to do errands and then it's back to the purging of boxes.  I also need to organize the room that I've actually been living in with all the stuff that has been carried over from Hawaii.  

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...