Sunday, January 02, 2011

Good bye 2010!

What a year!  Last new years I was was hitting up Waikiki and then watching the fireworks with Shan from my apartment high rise!  Today I'm in snow covered Utah, with a stable job, living in Marcia and David's basement (for just a little longer).  

This past year I spent 2 weeks in India. Took a long time moving out to Utah from Hawaii, spent some quality time with the fam, saw some good friends, got to chill in Chicago for a wee bit and even worked on a farm.  AND that's just the highlights of the year :P  I've had my downs but my ups have DEFIANTLY outnumbered them this past year!

Well, I was looking at my blog for my resolutions for this past year and I couldn't find them?!  Hmph... so I grabbed these from 2009 to see how things are going.

be more earth friendly-Still working on this one and will till I die.  It's a little hard when you are living with others, and doing a lot of traveling but I'm doing what I can. :)

stay focused on my goals-well... what are the goals for 2011?! Get my own place, I'd like to have an AWD vehicle too, get started on my Masters, take a kick ass vacation somewhere in the world, try to be a vegetarian.  yes ladies and gents you read that last one right! When I get my own place I'm going to attempt to be a vegetarian.  I've been thinking about this for awhile, for a number a reasons.  At work we have a lot of lunches catered due to the drug reps (that's a whole other post) and I usually get the vegetarian dish and they are pretty good.  So we will see on that one!

exercise more-I've been doing good on this one BUT I could do better.

I had a resolution about not jumping into relationships too fast, or trying to "help" guys.  Not a resolution that needs to be carried over.  I'm so done with that part of my life.  Truth be told, I am really enjoying not being in a relationship.  Since being in Utah I've gone on a handful of dates and that's been just fine by me.  No hurry in this department :)

live in the moment, don't fret about the future-I think I did very well with this one in 2010! I'll do even better in 2011!!!

Now for some new ones:
      -get more involved in the community/volunteer etc.
      -take some classes for my own enjoyment (dance, some sort of art thing, cooking... whatever floats my boat)
      -once I get my own place, eat healthier and even try to to be a vegetarian
I'm feeling good about 2011.  It's a fresh start, a clean slate, and I'm ready to go!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...