Saturday, October 30, 2010

Where did October go?!

First a job update for the month of October:

Applied: 16
Interview: 1 w/ a follow up interview next week :D
No's: 1 cuz I didn't have a medical assisting certificate :P which I am working on... with some money, the right signature and passing a test I have the convented "certificate"

So yep, I have a follow up interview in a week and it's from the interview that I had this afternoon!  I feel good about it but I am also nervous.  I'm nervous cuz right now I have all these balls up in the air, a handful of possible opportunities.  So if this job pans out and they want to hire me...  I'll have to see what else will happen.  It's usually all or nothing huh?

We had our first snow this past week.  The night prior David asked if I wanted to pull into the garage (very nice of him) but we got side tracked and never  did.  Well, much to my dismay there was almost 6 inches on my car the next morning!  Marcia got up and gave me her scrapper so it wasn't that bad.  It's weird that when there is that much snow on the ground and the air is clear that it doesn't seem so cold.  It was beautiful but by the time I made it home a majority of the snow had melted away and days later, the mountains seemed to have cleared up some.  New reports reported that some die-hards were trying out the slopes already. We got this snow on Wednesday, by Friday my car was reading 72 degrees! And that is how Utah rolls :P  I still need to buy my own ice scrapper!

I've been on a handful of dates and they have been enjoyable, even a couple of times with one guy.  It always amuses me when life is going smooth, or I start talking to other guys, that I get some random email from an ex.  Really?! What is that all about?  Is there some sort of "this is the time" radar in hopes to getting me all spun up/re-evaluating the past/questioning why we are no longer together?!  I had to laugh.  I was nice when I wrote this one back but I called him out on his lie of "sorry I haven't written but I just really missed you....".  Note: if I'm still friends with you on FB I can see a change in status thus you getting into a relationship and then recently getting out of one will show up on my news feed (unless I blocked you :P ) so trying to intrigue with "I missed you so much" constitutes a BS flag being waved.  I was nice about it, but needless to say he's never wrote me back. LMFAO

On Thursday we carved pumpkins.  I don't recall doing it before.  It was fun yet gross when getting all the guts out of the pumpkin.  We did keep the seeds and yesterday we seasoned and roasted them YUM.  Last night we watched scary movies and I was up till about 3.  We had the air mattress in the living room.  I was pinned between Joe and the couch and a certain someone was snoring in happy dream land.  I finished Friday the 13th (yep we did the oldies) and then caught up on my Glees before rolling backward off of the airmattress and braving the basement to go to bed.  Nothing attached me and I slept in till about 10 :D Very nice.  Tonight I look forward to checking out trick or treaters but tomorrow I'm working so it will be an early night :(

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...