Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Paying Respect

This past weekend was my drill weekend.  On Sunday a fallen soldier was brought home.  We were requested to line the way from the flight line to the front gate, if you were able to step away from your work.  Needless to say, EVERYONE could get away from work to show their respects.

CW3 Matthew Wagstoff, a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter pilot, died in Afghanistan.  This was his third combat tour overseas and had been in the Army for 10 years.  

We lined up and we waited patiently.  Soon it was time.  We stood at attention and when vehicles came into view we slowly raised our hands and saluted as they went by.  The family and CW3 Wagstoff was preceded by Patriot Guard Riders.  It was over before I knew it.  

Standing there, in the sun, I would have moments of an emotional swell.  I am paying my respects to a brother in uniform.  This is where the "it's just not a job" comes into play and I am proud of all that have served and those that will serve.  We may not face this type of danger on a regular basis, but when we swear into the military it's a possiblity that never goes away.  We respect that and we honor that commitment, and we also ask much of our friends and family to honor and respect our decision to be in the military.  That can be hard for anyone.

Due to my life in the medical field and also in the military, we tend to learn how to compartmentalize a lot, to focus on what we are doing to maintain our military bearing.  This day was no different.  When the line of motorcycles and cars went by, I said a little prayer, wished goodness their way along with safety, love and light.... and then it was back to my duty day.   All in the life of a military person I suppose....

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