Wednesday, September 01, 2010

My Bday post...last day in India

I didn't write anything for my last Friday in India, and I totally spaced that it was FRIDAY THE 13TH!  OOOH!!!  Anyhoo, it was a long and emotional day.  I did write a lot on that Saturday...

Friday began in the reception area of the hotel.  We all sat around and talked about our experiences and it ended up being the good, the bad, and in some cases... the ugly.  It was good though.  Mid way through folks started getting a little emotional and I was THE LAST ONE TO TALK.  Totally lost my bearing and after two weeks of a range of emotions I felt I just did an emotional vomit right there in the hotel lobby.  Ugh... not my favorite thing to do.  But anyhoo...
The day at CCH was tiring.  I wasn't much in the "mood", maybe it was the emotional purge first thing in the morning and I was already drained from that and I was also with different people.  Not that these people were bad, but after two weeks you get use to folks and it being the last day I didn't have a lot of energy for new stuff.  When we got to the shelter, the jewelry girls showed their work to Sarah.  After that I filmed while they all gave thanks to the contributors that made that whole shin dig possible.  It was really nice to hear all the girls say thanks and how much the program means to them.
After lunch Deborah and I got to see the rest of the shelter and some of the other girls that don't work in the jewelry program, some are handicapped but seemed happy.  Back in the jewelry room, some of the girls were making jewelry pieces.  I already made a piece so I didn't feel right about making another. I didn't feel right about having them "do" another piece with me.  God knows I'm not a jewelry maker, no point in torturing the girls :P  I did get some more henna done.  At least three different girls contributed to this piece.  Awesome!
Some of the group left early to go to the shelter in the red list district (it was by invite only and I wasn't invited :P )
That night we had a group dinner at a Chinese/Indian place and I got the Thai Chicken Curry and it was SO hot/spicy!  It was good though!  There was some drama of course, how can there not be with that many females but it all worked out in the end and that is all that matters.
Coleen bought me some birthday cakes to share with everyone.  We had a little thing in the lobby with the cake and all.
yep, i love me some chocolate!

Coleen and i stayed up talking till it was officially my birthday! She's so sweet.  For breakfast we had an AWESOME chocolate truffle, which was way better than the cakes.  I got a little teary saying good bye to Coleen.  I flew out by myself so Coleen walked me to a cab and I was off.

I didn't have any issues flying out of Kolkatta. Easy cab ride, easy check in and of course I got there way early! I saw the perfect living example of globalization: an old man wrapped in a sheet, no shirt, bare chested with a cellphone dangling from his neck.
I ended up talking to a professor of economics while waiting for the flight.  We exchanged emails (and we have emailed back and forth a couple of times). A really nice man.  He was extremely cross eyed so it was interesting talking with him just for the eye contact factor.
Landing in Delhi it seemed like we taxied in forever.  Apparently they are building a new airport and I had to get my luggage and take a bus to the new terminal.  A lot more security and military in Delhi or it could have been just the airport.  Taking the bus I saw just a tiny bit of Delhi, there didn't seem to be as much crazy traffic or honking but I saw at least 3 men peeing off the side of the road.
Ooooh India!
at the Delhi airport
the bathrooms-i liked the pictures :P
Oh! the economics professor thought I was Indian :)  He saw the henna but it's usually done for marriage and I didn't have the red dot/red streak (represents that I'm married).  Best compliment ever!  I love it when I blend in:D

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