Monday, August 30, 2010

Movie and jewelry making

12 Aug Thurs

Once again I mention how HOT the taxi ride is to CCH.  It drains any energy you had in you so once we get to the shelter we really lack some motivation.  But we do what we can...

The items that these girls make can be purchased online at Made By Survivors

Today was the last day for the painting.  We also planted some flowers in the flower boxes in front of the jewelry room.  We then hung out inside playing games an putting puzzles together till I recalled having "Meet The Robinsons" on my iPad.  MOVIE TIME!!!!  One good thing about those type of movies is even if you don't understand all that is being said, you can still following along.  Me... well I fell asleep on the floor.  No, I passed out and I think I even snored a little :P
Lovin' the ocean scene:D
After lunch the girls showed us how they made the jewelry and we got to make a piece.  It's hard and tedious work.  Everything is done by hand with basic tools.  We had to buff our piece of metal and they kept telling us to do it harder and to do it some more.  My fingers were so cramped they didn't want to straighten out.  Then the cutting of the metal, oh my goodness.  I have so much respect for these girls.
scrap pieces 
buffering my heart out

cutting the metal
After the shelter I walked around the local shopping areas for the boom box with Vivian.  Again, no luck.  We stopped at Cafe Coffee Day and then checked out a bookstore where I scored this neat Ganesh picture:D

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