Sunday, August 29, 2010

Compliments go a long way :D

11 Aug-Wed.... This is one of those days that I was tired so my journal consisted of bullet points :P

Finished mural
made soap
Doel likes my laugh
Vivian likes my nose

Viv and I went to the mall.  Met up with others for drinks and food.
Chit chat in room afterwords with Coleen, Sarah, and Sue Ann.

Now let's see if  can expand on this any....
nope.... not mine
mine :)

trying to be artistic
feeling like we are doing good with our painting skills....

not us, but I did draw that palm tree :P

again, trying to be artistic and then....


this is on the back side of the door

we/they even painted their work desk

The girls at CCH helped A LOT with the mural.  We may have started the painting but they really brought it to life.  They are so talented, it is amazing.  Hell, I was just stoked to have done a few trees that one could point out as palm trees :D  I also made a batch of soap with the girls.  I had to improvise a little with the double boiler.  The don't have small pots so I actually put my bowl, with the glycerin, in a big pot with water in it. Before going out to India I figured they would not have pot holders and with me melting and pouring from a metal bowl I made sure to have a couple of handkerchiefs with me.  They came in SO handy, even if I wasn't doing the soap.  Most of the pictures taken at CCH I have a bandanna on.  Mainly it's cuz the taxi ride there and back is the windows down, hot as hell type of drive and one of my major pet peeves is having hair blown in my face.  They came in handy wiping the sweat off my face, swatting bugs away at the botanical gardens, cleaning up spills..... it's a definite must have travel item for me at least!
Oh, you may be wondering what they use to handle hot pots, well they gave me their tool and low and behold it is a set of pliers.  I did try it their way, it was awkward and I went back to the bandanna route.  The girls loved the soap and once it was done they were walking around having everyone smell it.  The housemothers asked what was all in it, and then asked if I could do about 70! HaHaHa.... That would be a no but I did leave all the supplies with them so they are more than welcome to make some after I left.

At lunch Doel pointed out that she loves my laugh.  This totally took me off guard as to I've never had that compliment before, and I don't give a lot of thought to my laugh.  It was random and it was awesome.  Viv then pointed out that she likes my nose.  She is good looking but like all us females we have our insecurities.  I pointed out that I use to get picked on about the shape of my nose in school and she was surprised.  Again, something about me I don't give a lot of thought to and yet again.... awesome:D

Viv was on a shopping mission to find the girls at Nijoloy a new boom box.  Um... yeah, apparently NO ONE sells these things anymore :(  We went to the mall and looked around, I bought a shirt I wasn't planning on, checked out a bookstore and had a good time.  We ended up at a restaurant and filled up on pupus and drinks!  Once I made it home Coleen, Sarah, and Sue Ann were in the room talking and having some tea.  Very nice way to end the day :D

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