Saturday, August 28, 2010

Better Day at CCH but left frustrated

10 Aug-Tuesday

Today is a new day.  I will be happy and helpful!
Sarah, the driving force behind TEN, got in last night and we get to meet her today.  Most of the group either knows her or knows more about her than I do, but I'm looking forward to being around her.  I believe that she will be going to the other shelter today but we are going to have a group dinner tonight.

The drive to CCH is exhausting!  We take taxi's, and it's an hour drive in the heat and smells of India.  As interesting as it is, and I can't help but looking out the window like a eager school kid it's a struggle because my energy is slowly draining from my whole being.
BUT I will be a positive force today!

Today was a good day.  We did loose two of our group to them not feeling well:(  but we were productive.  We did some more painting (I played some tunes on my iPad), had lunch, colored, and I read Curious George (from iPad) with Doel translating :D  We also made butterflies to stick on the walls.
It was also a frustrating day.  In talking with the girls (most are preteen and up) they did not see the importance of a school education.  Many of the girls choose not to attend school.  Most of these girls are in the jewlry program so they are learning a skill that they can use later.  Other girls do the cooking, and I'm talking about cooking for over 50 people!  We asked them about what they wanted for their future, and they couldn't answer marriage and there was no response from them.  They feel as though everything is up to to what their future holds for them.  The one girl that is a great cook figures she can get a job working as a cook in a hospital.  I pointed out that with an education she could be her own boss, own her own restaurant even!  To this I got the typical head nod but I don't think she believed it or even gave much though to it.
At this point I realized that these girls that are making the sari's that we bought and the jewlry are not receiving an education :(  It's hard for me to feel good about buying these objectes when they are not further themselves even though they are in a position to go to school.  They choose not to and no once forces them.
Coleen and I talked about this frustration of mine more than one night.  I have a better understanding of the situation but I am still saddened by it.  In India, it's hard for an educated woman to get married (men don't want a woman that is more educated than he is... in most cases).  Marriage is SO important in India!  Woman can not do anything without a man, they cannot rent a place on their own etc.  Also, depending on their status or place a woman may be educated but she will never have the opportunity or be allowed to use it.  SO to these girls, the best way for a good life is to learn a trade that they can continue on their own, so they can contribute to the family's finances.  As crappy as this is to a American independent girl I understand the rational.  I also saw that things are slowly changing for women in India.  Doel, is a college educated woman, not married and is more western in her independence.  Soma, a more traditional woman, married with kids, does EVERYTHING for her family and still works a full time job has gathered the women of her village to contribute money every month and with this they have sent a girl to school.  Going to school cost money in India and if you have a girl and a boy, well the boy gets the education and the girl is taught just the basics.  Change is happening but it's a slow process, the ways of thinking needs to change, government needs to change.... it's just not one thing and all will be well.  

That evening we went to a restaurant "Fire and Ice"  It was an Italian place and when we walked it Elvis was playing and the walls were pictured with Sophia Loren, James Dean along with Indian stars in black and white.  It was a very nice dinner, but the days events still weighed heavily on me.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...