Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Oh! India

Some of the pics I will be using through out the next few blogs are from other people's stash.  We were all taking pics and I wasn't about to stand and take the same picture that someone else just did.  I will try and point out that they are someone else's talented photos when I can :D

On the way to India (30 July-31 July)
Today I fly out to India.  My bags are checked, now I sit and wait for my flight to San Fran.  I tried to get rupees at the money exchange... this is how THAT went,
"Can I get some rupees here?"
"Um... what country is that?"
"Uh... we don't keep that on hand."
International airport my ass! LOL  Hopefully I'll have better luck in San Fran (I didn't and wasn't able to get any in Germany either!  Thank goodness for ATMS)

I sat next to a firefighter from SLC to San Fran.  It's amazing how much you can have in common with a complete stranger.  Both of us were in the AF, spent time in Okinawa.... it was a good conversation.  He worked in the jails now and according to him it isn't as bad as they portray on the T.V. shows.  They go a couple of years without any problems and then BAM.... like an earthquake.  Then tension builds up and then there is a release.
From San Fran to Germany I sat next to an older couple who were going to their son's wedding. Mom pointed out that he was 40 and getting married for the first time. They were only spending about 4 maybe 5 days there!  So not enough time for a first visit anywhere, let alone Germany.  All that flying for just a short visit.  Hope they enjoyed it.
From Germany to India there were no conversations but that was o.k., I slept a lot.  The food was Indian and so far so good.  I enjoyed it and even opted for the vegetarian plates, YUM.  They did give a breath mint package, little bits of stuff, I tried it and it was black liquorice YUCK!  We got off the plane and were hanging out on the tarmac waiting for buses.  India at 1130 pm is hot, humid, wet, sticky.....
Coleen came up to me and asked "Are you from TEN, Made By Survivors" I was and met the rest of the folks that flew in with me.
Waiting on our luggage at the carousel I saw a random cat strolling through the airport, welcoming committee maybe?  Not too friendly though.
Paul and some others were outside waiting on us.  We loaded up 3 taxis and we were on our way.
I'm so glad we got here in the middle of the night.  It's not so crazy, not a lot of traffic and people.  Made the transition a little less shocking.
First Impressions:
- not stinky (there were more stinky people on the plane but that's to be expected with long flights.... to an EXTENT)
- a mix between Turkey and the Philippines-the infrastructure is there but ghetto or incomplete
- driving rules are "recommended" (I never figured out what the driving rules were, even after 2 weeks)
-hotel is nice, the bare necessities.  it took me 24 hrs to figure out what and where the hot water was to turn it on :P
-marble floors everywhere

Our hotel, notice AC available! Thank Goodness for that :D

Our "view"
Our bathroom, it's just one big shower...no divider or curtain
The hot water heater and YES it's as small as it looks!


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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...