Monday, August 16, 2010

India, an assault on my senses

I got back from Kolkata yesterday afternoon.  The goal was to stay awake till about 8 but I passed out around 6 and then was up at midnight.  I had some dinner and a sleeping pill and was out till 8:30.  Made it through today with no naps but I am so looking forward to going to bed ;)

India was amazing.  I was assaulted visually trying to soak in all I could about my surrounds while I was there.  Peace and quiet was hard to come by in the city.  We had one afternoon in the botanical gardens which was lovely.  The air was so thick, you step out of the the hotel room and it was like stepping into a sauna.  It didn't matter what you did, just standing outside you got sweaty and sticky.  The food was spicy, and interesting.  I realized that I could easily be a vegetarian with the way they fixed food.  It was an emotional roller coaster, in between working at the shelters and the group dynamics of over 10 women I hit probably all the emotions that I could :P

I wrote in a journal while I was there and I am going to transfer it to the blog... just not tonight.  I'm still tired and I've been talking with friends and family telling them all about the trip.  I'll be able to post the pictures that I took but the pictures taken at the shelters can not be posted here to protect the girls.  But, if I'm at your house or you visit me (whoever reads my blog) I can personally show you the pictures that were taken at the shelters and there were A LOT!  The girls were absolutely amazing and beautiful.  If there was any question about the strength of the human spirit, there is no question now.  With love, respect, support, and open arms anything can be survived.

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