Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Allow yourself to be challenged...

On Friday I leave for Kolkata.  I'm nervous and excited.  I will see things and do things I never thought I'd do.  I will come back a changed person, a better person.

One of my teachers at HPU on the first day of class had us stand up (if we wanted) and give everyone in the class permission to challenge us, to question us, to make us rethink our views and beliefs, to make us grow.  I've carried that with me, and now I don't wait for others to challenge me but I now challenge myself.

Months ago on Facebook I saw a post asking for volunteers from Made By Survivors to go to India to work in the shelters for two weeks.  On a whim I volunteered, not really expecting to be one of the lucky few that was selected.  After some references and some review I was accepted!  I was shocked, thrilled, and scared all at once.    My main scare, and still is, is doing a craft with the kids.  I'm going to make melt and pour soap with them.  But I am forcing myself to let go of that stress, things will work out.  I can only do so much.  Other than my craft project we are going to assist where we are needed doing whatever.  

I've talked about this trip before but just in case it was missed these shelters are for women and children that have been victims of human trafficking.  It is reported that there are more slaves NOW than there was back during the slave trade.  Some of these chidren have been born in brothels and still live there.  These shelters get them out of that environment.  The women are taught a trade so that they can be economically independent.

The founder of Made By Survivors was on Rosie talk radio.  Take a listen for a better understanding.  This is a global problem and it's not going away.  

For those that know me, since May there have been many changes to my life.  I graduated from college with my BA in Social Science, within a week I was traveling with my Mom and 3 dogs to Missouri to visit family.  I then took a side trip up to PA to visit friends before going back to MO and then on to CA to pick up my car, visit family in L.A. and then drive (with a stop in Vegas) to Salt Lake City Utah.  I finished my "move" to Utah on 22 June and since then I've been looking for a job and doing some work days with my Air National Guard unit.  

Now, in a matter of days I will be in India.  After some drama, and near heart attacks I have my passport and visa.  I have two suitcases, one will be filled with donations and stuff for the soap making... the other for me :)  I have a journal to write in (which I'll repost when I return) about my travels, I have my iPad for books, and if I need a quick diversion for the kids ;)  I have snacks, Imodium, sleeping pills, and a mosquito net along with plenty of bug repellent.  

Am I ready to go?  I haven't even packed yet.

My flight there will take about 24 hrs and 19 minutes.  I will go from here to San Fran, to Germany, then to India.  My trip back will be about 32 hrs and 31 minutes.  From India I go to New Jersey to Chicago and then Utah. I will leaving India on my 34th birthday, and I will spend my birthday on a plane.  I can only imagine what I will be feeling when I'm flying home.  Who knows what will be running through my head or if I will just be so exhausted mentally and physically that I just sleep away the plane ride.  

I look forward to meeting and working with the other volunteers.  I look forward to the challenges that are ahead of me, and I really look forward to making a difference in other people's lives.  


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Life is work!

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