Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Three day weekends are the best! I spent Friday being productive. I applied for some more jobs, did laundry, and cleaned up my room before meeting up with Amanda for dinner. We stopped at the bx on base and they were having a tast testing! We had about 2-3 shots of liquor :P We could of had more but we were being good :P We both bought a bottle of vodka though :) Checked out the Clearfield farmer's market. I'm assuming they are just getting started, out of the 10 or so booths only one of them was actually selling produce. Stopped at the in-laws before having dinner at the Village Green. I was surprised at this place. Walking up to it, I won't lie... it looks shady. It has one of those doors with the little window in the front, the kind that are used in old bars that only the bikers and locals brave. Once you step in... Hello! It's big and the back wall is nothing but windows that over look a pond. Very peaceful and pretty. Apparently they have a live band there on some nights (not when we were there) and maybe dinner theatre?! Which would be an awesome thing to do. The food was also a surprise! Very full of flavor! I will definatly have no problem going back there.

Saturday I went and pick up some more donations from a friend for India. She has three cute dogs, one is a corgi with similar coloring to Sami :( Corgi's definatly have their "things" that they do :D Marcia and I did a lot of running around and grabbed some burgers at Five Guys. Awesome! I'm still partial to In-N-Out but this place was great! Fries to die for! It seems like the places that keep it simple, excel at those few things! Why would I ever go buy a hamburger from a fast food joint when I have Five Guys AND In-N-Out here?!

Today is lazy day.  We are going to head out to the pool here in a few to soak up some sun.  It's just us girls this week (not counting Joe of course).  I will be working with my guard unit again this week.  I'm hoping everything is fixed in the system so I can get orders cut.  Then I have a week off to get ready for India!!!!!  I can't believe it's just around the courner!  Long airplane rides but it will be an awesome experience. 

I have to give myself a pat on the back because I've been working out practically every day!  I did take off Friday and today (but I'll probably do some laps at the pool when I'm there).  I either run a mile or I do the Wii fit :P  I do the yoga and the strength portions.  I'm sorry but the push up/plank series is brutal.  I do a set of 6 and the computer is like "good job you can do more".  So I can do 6 or 20!  Really?!  What kind of spread is that?  It  should go from 6 to 10 or maybe 15 but 20?!    When I first got here I did the "compute my age" thing with the Wii and I can't recall what I was but it was sort of sad... it said I was older than I am
:( But I did it yesterday and I'm 34 :D  Which is pretty true :P 

I've gotten a couple of job rejections, the "you're not what we are looking for" sort of thing.  This without an interview... so I'm going to revamp/tweet my resume some more.  I get so damn inpatient with things sometimes.  I'm trying not to get discouraged but some days it's hard.  Thank goodness for doing the days with the UTANG.  The money is a bonus but it's more beneficial right now for me to feel useful and needed.... it keeps the spirits high!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...