Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Missing my little girl :(

Walking this morning with Marcia it hit me.... I miss my Sami girl :(  I knew I would, it's only natural. But for folks that don't have kids, dogs are usually the "go to" or "relate to" thing for conversations.  Joe and Gretchen are sweeties and good dogs but it doesn't matter... I miss Sami.
Sami has a great personality.  I put that on my parents (who she's spent a lot of time with her) and of course me :D  Maybe once I get settled I'll revisit the bringing Sami back here decision.  Who knows.  Everyone else's dogs are wonderful and I love having animals around, but it's not like your own.  
But knowing me.... I'll feel selfish for taking her away from her doggie sisters and the yard and life she has now :(  Who knows what the future holds....  

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