Friday, June 04, 2010

Work Hazards

26 May 2010

More stories from the family :D
The other night we went and had dinner with the Suttons and had a breath of fresh technology (they have wireless) and good conversation and no smoke!  Found out that my Uncle Randy’s job is a tad more dangerous than the possibility of electrocution (he works for the power company).  Once a month he has to turn people’s power off.  Think of those repo shows and it’s kind of like that.  People that are getting their power turned off for lack of payment is not cuz they just forgot, usually there are other issues and most of the time are not pillars of society.  Randy had more than one story of having numerous cop cars with them, and even one where the cops actually pulled out their guns cuz some whacko ran back into his trailer.  This whacko comes back out with papers!  Totally not acknowledging all the guns pointed at him.  During all this commotion is when they turn off all the power and disconnect everything. 
On another visit, Randy goes up to the trailer and everything works out fine and the guy is nice, initially.  The guy offers for Randy to come in and when Randy reiterates that he needs to turn off the power the guy says, “If you turn off that power we’re going to have some problems”.  Randy leaves and gets cop back up!  And since it’s a small town the cops are all over any possibility of “action” and more than one patrol car will show up at these jobs.  Not a job that I would want to do. He goes out to the back woods to these trailers, that could be meth houses or worse, telling these guys they are getting their power turned off YUCK!  Who knows what type of crazies that you’d have to deal with!
My cousin, Kendra, works at the pharmacy and she has loads of funny customer stories too!  She has to deal with the druggies that try to score some free syringes.  Not only does she get the druggies but the abundance of old people that are heavily medicated.  Not a lot of dull days there! 
Kendra is getting married on 5 June.  It’s nice to be around that young love.  You don’t have a lot of worries, and are just so happy to be with each other.  They are enjoying themselves and the planning of the wedding.  The excitement and happiness is contagious and I’m happy that I will be here for the wedding. 
Mom is doing better out here and is thinking of the good things that will come of this.  They will be around the family for the holidays and be closer to the family.  All the other times they’ve been out here, it’s been for a visit and the time has been limited.  Now, Mom is like it’s not like I have to leave in a week or two :D I’m happy to see her doing better but I know it’s still hard for her.  The dogs are slowly adapting.  Today was the first day that they acted like themselves when it came to feeding time.  Mom says they’ve been depressed, not getting excited like they usually do but today was different.  I feel that the dog’s improvement also helps Mom.  Mom is getting her mental strength back!

Honey will randomly pull out old photos.  They are neat; I wish I had a scanner here so I can start scanning them.  I love the history.  It’s interesting to know how things have been laid out for where we are today.  Honey moved out of the house when she was in her teens due to a wicked stepmother.  She was in a boarding type house and Honey had a love, one that was in the military, and when he got out of the service he went back to Georgia (Honey was in the L.A. area).  He told Honey that when he got settled he’d send back for Honey.  Honey never heard from him and figured he didn’t want her.  Honey moved on and married someone else.  Turns out her landlady was hiding and keeping all the letters!  She felt that this guy was not good enough for Honey!  My family could have been some Georgia peaches :P  Later on Honey saw her landlady on the news.  Apparently she went a little crazy and shot her boyfriend and then shot her self!  Honey was a and still is a proud Navy wife.  My grandfather was a cook on the submarines, he was such a good cook that regardless of the trouble he got in they kept him on due to his bad ass cooking skills :) Unfortunately I didn’t get any of those mad skills.  He spent time on the Shark.  The lived on the east coast up in Maine and Mom remembers those days as some of the best of her childhood. 

Today is bowling and shopping.  Honey is on a league and my Mom got swindled into having to play also.  The team is short but I’m too young to play on the league (you have to be 55).  So I’m going to go and pray that they have wireless, even though it will be a shock if they do.  After bowling we go off to do shopping at Wal-Mart, so I get to see a lot of the natives so that should be entertaining.  Yesterday I got a taste of freedom and took Mom’s car to Town & Country (the local grocery store) to pick up some stuff up for a roast.  It felt wonderful to just drive, even if it was just 10 minutes away J Went in and picked up the stuff and when I was leaving shared a smile with a cute local boy.  Nothing lifts the spirits like a good ol’ flirt! 

On Friday Mom and I will start looking at houses on Grand Lake.  It should be fun.  Hopefully we find some good houses.  The quicker they find a house the better Mom will be.  We love family but it can be hard living in close quarters with them, with nothing to do.  I finished one book yesterday and I’ll be starting another one today at the bowling alley.  Honey said I could bowl while we were there, but I have no desire to bowl by myself. 

Funnies of the day:
Passed a gas station names “Kum n’ Go” No joke, Mom even pointed it out to me!

Honey explained to me that she doesn’t dry dishes, she just lets them air dry cuz towels carry germs. 
Me, “what if you use a clean towel?”
Honey, “It still has germs on it.  I don’t remember where I heard about it, but I just let them air dry.”
THIS after she killed a fly on her kitchen table and picked it up with her bare hands and went on with her day (no washing of the hands that I noticed).  Oh and no she did not wipe down the table.

Stopping at the liquor store on the way home Honey instructed us to get out, we had to go into the store.
Mom, “Why do we need to go in the store?”
Me, “We get to meet new people”
Side note Honey enjoys introducing us to EVERYONE even if we have no desire to meet people.  A quick run Mom took with Honey to Town & Country this morning resulted in stopping at the bank and other places so Honey could show her off.  Cute as it is, it’s annoying.
Mom has NO desire to get out of the car and “meet new people” just because.
Mom, “Why do we have to get out?”
Honey, “Respect your elders and get out of the car”
Mom, “I just want to know why I have to get out of the car”
Sigh :P

I get out and play tourist: P I take a picture of the PBR sign and the liquor store.  I may look like a dork taking pictures of random stuff, but it’s funny to me and looking back on these photos will give me a chuckle :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...