Friday, June 04, 2010

Craziness in the country...

27 May 2010

Some times you just have to shake your head and move on. 

I forgot to mention this incident from yesterday.  When Mom and I got into the car yesterday to go bowling/shopping with Honey and David we got in the backseat and the seat belt thing came up again (neither one wears their seat belts).
Mom “Guess there is no point in wearing a seatbelt around here” (this was said sarcastically… she knows better).
Both David and Honey proceeded to talk about all the car accidents that happen on their road, around town etc. etc.  Making OUR point that they SHOULD wear their seat belts!
Me “Yet more reasons not to wear your seatbelt.” Which was said under my breath, but Mom heard ;)

Today Mom and I followed David and Honey out to Grove so Mom could get her bearings for tomorrow.  We are meeting the realtor in Grove to go look at some houses on Grand Lake.
Driving through the country here there are plenty of chicken houses, and who knows what else.  Needless to say, you drive through some stinky stuff.

Mom, “You know you’ve been in Missouri too long which you can tell the difference between different types of shit smells” As of right now I can only pick out the chicken shit smell LOL

Another quote of the day:
David, “He’s just about as worthless as tits on a warthog.” 

Mom and I beat Honey and David home and we got to cooking the pot roast right away.  It was funny cuz we wanted to be done and have it in the oven before they got back.  Honey has become really particular with how things are done and we just wanted to be done so there were no problems.  At one point Mom spilled some stuff and it was like “oh shit, we need to hurry up and clean this up.”  Even Mom made a comment how sad that was, us to be scurrying around trying to get things done like we were doing something wrong: P 

Waiting for the roast to finish up we talked more story.  I wrote down the names of my ancestors to do a little research later on.  History is amazing, especially when it’s your own.  Turns out my family ended up in Philadelphia when they came over from Sicily.  Honey doesn’t remember what her grandparents did for a living but when they ended up in California she remembers an aunt working in a tobacco factory, another was at a lamp factory…and that was about it.  She remembers her grandfather not speaking any English and just smiling at her.  Honey’s father was a policeman in Huntington Beach California.

WOAH!  While typing this Honey got a phone call.  She answered and said, “He’s doing a crappy job”.  Apparently someone called and asked how she felt Obama was doing.  She voted for McCain cuz he had the most experience. 
Me, “Well, he picked a shitty running mate.”
Honey, “McCain has war experience, has felt pain and had to deal with struggles.” 
David then walked in “The president is only a figure head anyway, doesn’t have the final say in anything.”
Honey, “Like I said, Obama has no experience.”
I decided to keep my mouth shut :P

Apparently Honey (although nothing has been said to me) doesn’t think there is a need to shower/bathe every day. 
YES ladies and gentlemen you read that right (I wonder if this is an old person’s thing?)
I’ve noticed since I’ve been here that neither of them has showered.  I’ve showed every morning and I’m not going to stop.  According to the conversation with Mom, Honey bathes Saturday night for church on Sunday (yes, that’s one time a week).  I’m all for doing my good for the planet and conserving water but if you’re dirty and starting to stink you take a bath! Granted I have yet to “smell” either one of them but then again, they smoke constantly so that’s all I smell and they have killed their sense of smell long ago so it’s not like they could smell themselves! Honey explained to Mom that when she takes her weekly bath that there isn’t a dirt ring in the tub so obviously she’s not that dirty, so why bath every day?!  This house is dirty.  There is no getting around that.  

I’m in another era out here!!!!!

There are some PROS of being out here.  Farmer’s markets!  The roast we had today was from a happy cow.  It wasn’t bought at the store, and it was from right here locally!  He was a free grazer and he tasted good!  Honey and David get fresh eggs from the folks that run the liquor store that they stop at every Wednesday.  Mom and I are going to check out a farmer’s market on Saturday J  Plus being around this much family is nice, especially around the holidays. On Monday, Memorial Day, we are going over to the Nyander’s and a lot of the family will be there.  

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