Saturday, June 05, 2010

Country Livin... animals and bugs

28 May 2010

Quotes of the day:
Grandma Nyander was talking about birds making “about 4 batches that summer”.  No the birds were not baking cooking but having babies: P

Mom’s country quote of the day, “You know you’re going back the same way when you recognize the road kill.”

Is it a requirement that if you have a barn that it has to be red?

Anyhoo, today Mom and I went house hunting.  We met up with Alisa, the realtor, and went around Grand Lake.  We looked at about 7 properties, and out of those properties we only really liked one of the houses.  Alisa is a lot of fun and we enjoyed driving around with her.  Dad flies in on Sunday and on Tuesday it’s back to house hunting and we’ll show him the house we liked today.
We left early this morning so we could go by the Nyander’s and drop off the girls.  Guiselle wanted to bark at every animal on the way to Southwest City (population 855).  

After looking at houses we went back to the Nyander’s for lunch and to visit.  We hung out long enough for dinner, which was pancakes and ham :)
Being in the country I am getting use to all the bugs and animals.  A lot of bugs!  I got hit in the face just standing still by some sort of bug, obviously he wasn’t a good flyer :P  So far I have avoided ticks even though I did find one crawling on my pillow during the day, we’re thinking one of the girls brought it in.  As for the animals…. There are chicken coops everywhere (stinky stinky and disease infested… watch Food Inc. is a great movie and it’s on Hulu), cows everywhere, buffalo, horses here and there, farm dogs that we pray don’t get hit by cars, turtles (usually smashed on the road) along with raccoons, armadillos, cats, and other furry unidentifiable creatures dead on the road.  Today alone there was at least 4 road kills just driving to the Nyander’s. 

Tomorrow we might make it to the local farmer’s market.  Regardless of what goes on I need to get my plane ticket!  I’m taking a side trip on top of my current trip:D More to come on that later!

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