Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vacation Hangover

I've thought about blogging... and well that's as far as it went.  So this is a little behind the times...

Picking up the car in San Diego went smoothly and Amanda and I stayed in San Diego one night so we didn't have to deal with the traffic between there and L.A.  It was a good idea and I couldn't really argue with her reasoning :)  We went and checked out the Seaport Village shopping center and had dinner on the water!  It was very nice.  We then walked around a little bit more, saw the Midway (but didn't go on it).  It was relaxing and very pretty!

The next day we slowly made our way to Diamond Bar where my Aunt lives.  
We stopped in La Jolla so we could put our feet in the sand, and it was full of life too :D Bonus for us!!!

It was good to see my family in California.  I don't get to spend a lot of time with them so it was very nice to see everyone.  Now that we are closer, it's something I need to do more of!  We stayed there one night and then it was off to Vegas!

It was an awesome couple of days and then off to Utah!  It does feel good being back here, but then ask me again come winter time ;)  I've been applying for jobs and just getting settled.  I did check out the SLC Art Festival the other day.... awesome, and good wine!  I'm getting everything in order for my India trip in a month.  Can't wait for that awesomeness! 

After all my traveling once I got here I felt like I just needed to do do do and get a job!  Granted I DO need a job but I can only do so much.  I've already applied to 4 jobs and I haven't even been here a week yet so that's good.  I'll just keep on with that I'm everything will work out as it should :)  I need to stay busy in order not to get into a funk, which almost happend (thus the vacation hangover)... but I'm doing better now.  Just keep reminding myself I can do only so much, to enjoy this moment, and be open to what is around me!  It makes for a happier ME!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...