Friday, June 04, 2010

Traveling fool....

Well, internet capabilities out here is hit or miss.  I've been "blogging" on a word document and I'll just transfer it over when I have the time and the capabilities. 

23 May 2010 

Flying into Arkansas

OH MY GOD!  It’s been forever since I’ve been back in Missouri.  Some things have changed, others have not. 
The flight out here was pretty uneventful.  I didn’t get any sleep on the plane but managed to finish one book on my iPad and started a second one.  I love that thing!  If I didn’t have that I’d be lugging around books in my bag:P  The dogs were troopers and when we picked them up in Arkansas, they were fine and even chill.  

Mom was very impressed.  Before we knew it we were at Honey and David’s.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been back here.  They got a new floor (got rid of the carpet) and the ceiling in more yellow (bleh).            that's the ceiling!!!!

I’m grateful for open windows and a strong breeze (they are both smokers).  I still have my head cold that I got back in Hawaii.  But now I’m not sure if it’s still my cold, allergies, or the smoke?!  I popped a Claritin so we will see how that goes.  Honey and David are somewhat anti technology so no Internet at their place, so I’m grateful for the iPhone and other family members that are into this technology thing LOL 
Mom has mentioned a few times that this whole thing is surreal and feels like a dream.  I’m feeling it to.  I was in Hawaii 24 hours ago.  I have no idea what is going on in my future, I’m moving, I’m in Missouri for three weeks…. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?  In yet another free fall of my life.  I should be use to these things, but I’m not.  They are emotional and draining.

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Life is work!

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