Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Movie Review

Last night the folks and I went and saw Princess Kaiulani.  It was an o.k. movie and after living here and learning about the land, the people, and the way the U.S. acted I felt the movie missed a lot.  The movie focused too much on her time in England and her budding romance.  One didn't get a feel for the troubles of Hawaii and when it did show parts of the overthrow, you really didn't get a good understanding of what was going on.  If one didn't already have a basic understanding of the history of Hawaii, this movie could be somewhat confusing even.  The princess was even arranged to be married to a Japanese prince but this was not even mentioned in the movie... among other things.
The political firestorm was glossed over and not focused on.  It does feed one's curiosity about her life, so in that aspect it's good for folks that take the time to learn a little bit more about this amazing woman!

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