Sunday, May 16, 2010

School is over... for now

I say "for now" cuz I am going get my masters.

I hate packing, I hate moving, but I enjoy seeing and doing new things so I guess I need to suck it up with the disliking of the moving and packing :P

Friday night was my going away/pre-grad party.  Had a coworker in the guard send out all the info and it turned out to be a good night.  I got a good drunk, got my groove on, there was no drama, it was just an overall fun but not "crazy" night :)  The next day I had a guy come over to pick up some furniture and stuff.  He showed up with a blazer, not my defination of a truck... but we managed to squeeze a lot in there, even a queen mattress!  He was suppose to come by today to pick up the rest of the stuff but that looks like it will be put off till tomorrow.  If he doesn't.... the stuff is going to get goodwilled or trashed.

I can't believe I will be out of here in 6 says!  I have moments that I don't want to leave but then I shake myself back to reality.  Right now, it's not doable for me here in Hawaii.... but there is no reason why I can't make my way back here :)

I didn't hear back on that job but I feel that it's for the best.  I really want to go to India and if I got the job, it would have been a little weird or I would have had to back out of India.  So, I'll keep applying for stuff and what is ment to be will be.

Well, I should get back to packing :( There is always something to do.  Plus, the sooner I'm done here the sooner I can get some decent fun time in.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...