Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Vigilant Guard

Last trip with the HIANG I will miss these folks, we have good times where ever we go.  There was so much that goes on, and it is sad that I will never remember it all.  We went to Anchorage Alaska for CERFP training.  Our role is to go where there is a disaster and with our search and extraction team find people and decontaminate them. Our scenario was that there was a big earthquake, local groups were over tasked and we were called in to assist.  My job is in the hot zone doing triage.  I am part of a team of four and we suit up and spend anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour accepting patients and triaging them and then handing them over to the army guys that work the decon area.  We have our medics at the end to treat and take care of the patients.  After our shift we also have to be decontaminated before entering in the cold area.  The last day we suited up and went out 4 times.  The last day was the longest and there were a lot of Dvs (distinguished visitors) that had to see the show.  They were flown in by blackhawks and they landed nearby, so that was pretty cool. 

Our group was known as the dance group and we did have the most fun.  Even the observers (folks that were making sure we were doing things properly) thought we were a riot and even gave us dance request. There is nothing funnier than trying to dance in a plastic suit, boots that are 5x too big, and a PAPR.  Our final dance was the chicken dance while we were going through decon, and yes we were getting hosed down at the time!  Good times!  There are so many pictures.  Everyone was taking pics and I can’t wait to see them all and steal them.  I have some good ones but there are some of us dancing in our suits. 
Carmen and I lucked out and were able to have a day to do school work so we weren’t so behind due to this trip.  We are both graduating this month! WOOT!
Friday we got to see a wee bit of Alaska.  It was fun, cold, and a lot of wilderness.  Didn’t get to see any wild moose, did see some reindeer though.  Found out there is a shittier Whittier in Alaska.  I guess California can’t have all the fun! :P 

I am blessed with the people that have and are in my life.  I wish I could round up everyone and keep them with me. 
I love laughing so hard my abs hurt and I have tears rolling down my face, and that was the norm on this trip. 

I’ll load my pics, but I will constantly be adding to the collection due to everyone posting their pics on FB or in picassa.  
Below is a link that talks about what we were doing in Alaska.... if you want a news report ;)


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