Saturday, April 03, 2010

First Friday

First friday in Chinatown is art night.  The galleries stay open late, there is good food, a protest (tonight was about the right to choose), and great people watching.  Shan had a piece in a gallery so when I mentioned going this Friday cuz I didn't have drill she said she wanted to check it out anyway.  We hit all the art galleries that were open, but with it being Good Friday things weren't as busy but busy enough for us to head over to Aloha Tower for some food to get away from the crowds.  But that is neither here nor there.

This is mainly another post about changing one's point of view/perspective.....

Talking with Shan about the latest and greatest, she corrected me when I said "I was dumped" and she was like NO, you broke it off.  Which is true.  He told me the situation and I chose not to continue with the relationship.  I don't know if he would have continued on if I was willing, to me that wasn't an option.  As soon as he explained the situation, my first thought was... I'm not going there again, been there done that and I'm done.  I deserve better and that was that, my mind was made up.  I explained how I felt, he respected and understood that, we hung out a little more and then when he left we even kissed as we parted ways.  Now, I wish ALL breakups would go that smoothly and nice :D

It's amazing how little words have so much power.  To go from I was dumped, to I made the decision to end it.... the whole feeling of it changes.  Granted I wasn't crying in my wine over the situation, I do miss him, which is normal.... but it wasn't meant to be.

So, once again... art, good food, good company makes a woman healthy, wealthy (not so much), and wise :P

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...