Thursday, April 01, 2010

Day of statistics, Waikiki, and contemplations

Thursday I don't have any class so it's a day of school work.  But I decided to treat myself to lunch in Waikiki.  I have a friend who just got a job as the chief at one these little italian places.  So after a morning of social statistics... off I went.  I got there right when it opened so I had the place to myself, what's even better I could sit and people watch!  I could have sat there ALL day drinking and just watching the people.
Case in point... this Italian margarita was very nice indeed :D

It never fails that I see something weird when I'm out and about. Today.... I saw two guys run by in beach gear (board shorts and slippas) with rapiers.  Yes, that jousting sword!  I also saw a homeless guy passed out with a nice Ed Hardy shirt on (those shirts are expensive!).  I also had to chuckle at the albino white tourist heading to the beach around noon.  I forsee them being lobsters by the end of the day :P
After my great lunch, walking home I was hit by a wave of sadness with the idea of leaving here.  Which is normal and I accept this.  It's always been like that here in Hawaii for me.  I have a lot of days of  "this is not the place for me" and then I get hit with feelings of "this is pretty nice".  That back and forth one gets everywhere one lives I suppose.  Looking back at all the places I have lived I know this is true.  I just need to remember what is important to me, my goals, my desires and I know my decision to move is the correct one.  

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...