Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A decision has been made!

It feels like I've been back in Hawaii for weeks, not days, with all the stuff that has been going on! But it's official, I am projecting my move back to Utah to be 1 July.

side note, i wonder if i can change the title of my blog from aloha... to something else....

My parents will also be moving back to the mainland, and that was one of the last "pushes" that I needed to make a decision to move on myself. I've already have gotten "you're crazy for leaving Hawaii"! For those of you that feel that way, live here and then we can discuss it. Vacationing here and making a life here are two TOTALLY different things. I wouldn't trade this experience and these past few years for anything. I mean I go out on my lanai and see Diamond Head, the ocean, and Waikiki. I can walk to great places to eat and drink and of course I can walk to the beach. I have been truly lucky to have this life. But I have things that I want out of life and that will be hard to come by here in paradise.

I need an affordable home base. To where I can build my home with my stuff. My stuff has been in Marcia's basement the whole time I've been here :( I don't need a lot of space but I need enough space to spread my wings. To even have that here in Hawaii cost a lot or you have a room mate. Case in point, my 484sq ft apartment with the great views..... $1250/mth AND I'm not allowed to hang anything on the walls :(
I want to be close to friends and family so I can visit! I want to be able to go to my friends weddings, or to just visit them for a good fun time. To be able to do that from Hawaii... again cost a lot. AND with my folks leaving, well.... there you go. I can come back and play tourist one day.
I want more for my money. I don't want to work my ass off just to make ends meet and for a vacation every couple of years. I want to work enough to support my life, and to be able to take advantage of any opportunity that arises. I want to take volunteer vacations on a regular basis, similar to my India trip in Aug.

So... why Utah? No, I'm not Mormon ;) I get that question a lot.
I already have a foundation there, friends and family that can help me with this move/transition. Makes things easier and fun :)
My stuff is still there :P
Since SLC is somewhat a touristy place with the skiing and of course with the Mormons doing their missions around the world, the airport is a good one for my world travels that I plan on doing (there is an elephant sanctuary that you can volunteer at in Northern Thailand!!! HELLO! I'm so there).
SLC is a pretty city. I always felt that way, disregarding the weird drinking rules, and I look forward to getting to know her even better. I am definitely a city girl and I plan to live in the city. I love walking to places :D I'll have a car to get my country fix, or Vegas fix LOL!

It will be another adventure, but one that is somewhat familiar. The first winter there I will be cursing my decision but then again maybe I'll have a fireplace to cozy up to in my new place. There is good and bad in everything, and I choose to focus on the good stuff :D or at least have a good laugh at the bad stuff :P

So I have a jam packed few months ahead of me....
as of right now....

23 days till Alaska
49 days till Graduation
54 days till I move out of my apartment back to the folks, so I can dog sit while they go to a wedding :D
91 days till I move
121 days till India

I'm avoiding looking at the big picture cuz it's kinda overwhelming. But I can and will do it and all will be well.... one way or another!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...