Monday, March 29, 2010


The universe has a weird way of keeping everything in motion and if my last 48 hrs isn't proof enough, then I don't know what is. It's all about being open to these things, and thankful for the experiences... no matter how crappy they are at the time.

If you read my last post you would have determined that I was let go, dumped, broken up with, replaced... whatever you wanted to call it. Even though it's all for the best and it wasn't overly painful. It's nice to have a mature conversation without the yelling and the negativity when ending anything, it leaves room for future possibilities ;)
Regardless of how it's colored, rejection is always depressive to a point. My first night back to Hawaii was restless for two reason, the late night dumping and also I have to get use to the city noises of sirens and traffic. I woke early and blogged then decided to call Amanda to hear the common sense aspect of the whole situation to override my pity me emotions. It worked, but then while I was on the phone I got a call a from a friend.
I thought it was early, maybe she was up and just read my blog and was calling to get the scoop... but then I got a text telling me to "call her as soon as possible"
Uh oh not good.... I did and the next thing I know I'm throwing on cloths and driving to the other side of the island to pick her up.

SO, example number 1 of the funny universe. IF didn't let me go he would have still been here in the morning. So... no man = more focus on my friend :)
Also, I noticed before going to Utah that I had one Ambien left and I thought about taking it cuz of my fits of insomnia but for some reason I didn't.
TA DA my friend asked me about it and I was amazed that I still had it. So hopefully she had a peaceful sleep last night and feels ready to take on the day!

Me, I just went through and saved some jobs to apply for. I need to make some phone calls. I have class and of course back to the homework grind :(

I had another friend say that he's "loosing hope, a little". My response to him is that hope, faith, trust, and love are all free. Once you loose those them, your world turns dark and grey (I have a lot of first hand experience with this one).

When one looses their way, and is feeling overwhelmed and lost one can refocus those things inward.
Hope that you will be the best person you can be, and continue to be open to what is given to you (spiritually, physically, mentally)
Trust in yourself and in the universe that things will work out
Faith in yourself to continue to make wise choices
and above all
continue to Love yourself.
By keeping your own light burning you attract like minded people and your intensity will continue to grow and you will again feel complete.

This is no easy task, but it does get easier each day you do it :)

Sometimes, just a small change of your point of view will change your whole life. It's fun... try it! Have a laugh, have a cry, smile.... and live :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...