Thursday, March 25, 2010

Changed sleeping locations :P

Well, last night I drove down to Marcia and Dave's place to spend some time with them and also find my passport (which is needed for my India trip). Marcia has been battling pneunomia but we figured out that antibiotics (we check the paper work and it didn't say we couldn't) and a full bottle of wine makes one feel better :D We both killed a bottle and we discussed everything from relationships, weather, my plans/thinking on moving back to Utah, reality shows we liked, healthcare reform (yes we went there) and then ended up watching Hoarders until 1am. I know... it's party central but it was a great night.
On a side note... Amanda and Dave have the infamous Snuggie. I've made jokes about this thing, specially when they took it a step further and you can get a snuggie for your dog! But being in Utah and getting cold, I will admit I used it. At first I refused to use it proper like by putting my arms in the arm holes... but I eventually broke down. The material is thin and it does the bare minimum on keeping me warm. But whatever. Then I'm at Marcia's, she bust out this high tech snuggie! Very nice and not so "funny". My ex would make jokes about the snuggie just inviting people to sexual attack you from the rear :P BUT this high tech one completely covers you... so no back attacks! It's made out of thicker material too! Marcia and I were laughing so hard getting me all zipped and snapped into this thing we had tears rolling and my abs ached! HILAROUS

Anyhoo... I woke up this morning feeling o.k. considering the bottle of wine and all I had to eat was a little bit of my leftovers from the Italian restaurant, triskets and cheese, and then egg rolls. After a lazy morning it was off to.....

For those of you that live beyond the reach of this awesomeness, I'm sorry. They keep the menu simple so they have the best burgers and fries!

Back at the homestead, it was hunt for a passport and school work. Both of which, required not a lot of time so thus the blog :P
We have wine chillin' for tonight and movies to watch!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...