Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Life is good... but decisions will need to be made!

Well, I've been in Utah for 4 days and I've been blessed with pretty decent (but chilly by my standards) weather.
Saturday and Sunday were kick back days with Amanda, Dave, and Amanda's sister Cary. We saw the new Alice in Wonderland. AWESOME! On Sunday Dave's folks came over for a pre-bday get together. His parents are fun, funny, and all over good people. Dave's dad, Pepe, came out with some one liners through out the day that gave me a good laugh. For example, he was talking about hanging out in the Virgin Islands, and according to him there are not a lot of virgins there :P We broke out the Wii and did some archery and then some dancing. The dancing was a work out but a lot of fun! I'll have to get one for my parents now that they have a big t.v. ;)
Monday I went driving around, touched base with some people and made some phone calls. Amanda got released a little early from the exercise cuz she had to report back at midnight and it was her birthday :( She picked up a decadent chocolate ice cream cake! YUMMY!!! (I'm thinking I'll have a piece for breakfast... after all I am on vacation!).
On Tuesday, I already had the plan to go driving around and check out some nature. Dave mentioned that he was bailing out from work at noon if I wanted a tour guide. I took him up on the offer and we had a great afternoon. We went up to Snowbasin and took the gondola up one run, came back down, and then took a ski lift up another run. It was chilly, but it was beautiful. After we came back down we hung out at the lounge, he got a beer and I got hot chocolate and we split some awesome cheese fries! We then hit up an Italian restaurant and picked up some food for Amanda and then met her at home.
It's been nice and relaxing, even though I've had to force myself to breathe/relax/and quiet my mind when it comes to school work etc. Yesterday and today I've been playing around going from places to live in Hawaii and places here in Utah.... doing a little craiglist comparison. I'd rather not go there but it should be obvious that the money goes a little farther here in Utah ;)
Tomorrow I am off to spend the rest of the time with Marcia and Dave down in Sandy :D It will be great spending time with them AND I'm stoked cuz In-n-Out burger is in Utah now! AWESOMENESS! That is a must do tomorrow. Other than that, I need to finish a book for school and take care of some homework. Yes, some psycho teachers make things due over spring break! ugh
It feels nice to back here, believe it or not. I feel more at home here than I do in Hawaii. Maybe it's cuz I've spent more time here, and I have a good network of friends and family here. There is pros and cons to everything and everywhere. The cold makes me want to stay in and stay warm, eat comfort foods.... I would defiantly need to tune into my inner motivation to stay fit and get a lot of fresh air. But I am looking forward to going back to my closet of an apartment on the 14th floor, with ocean and mountain views, open windows 24/7 with fresh soft air blowing through every day! UGH decisions decisions decision....
I guess I will pray, focus, and hope for a good job and go where that takes me.... wherever that may be.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...