Sunday, February 28, 2010

What a weekend....

I didn't do as much school work as I was suppose to, but oh well. Can't do anything about that now, I'll start stressing again tomorrow about the school work :P
Friday night was a nice relaxing night. I didn't do anything which was probably for the best because Saturday felt like it went on forever. I was woken up at 0430 to be put on stand by with the guard due to the pending tsunami, that was scheduled to hit Oahu around 1130ish. I was set to get up around 0530 due to a scheduled fishpond field trip. So I ended up staying up to monitor the situation and see if they were going to cancel the fishpond deal. They canceled it. I figured I wasn't in an evacuation zone and I live on the 14th floor anyhow, so I went back to bed for a few hours. If the worst did happen, more than likely the guard would be called on to help out... whether on this island or a different island. After I woke up the rest of the day turned into a watch the news, look out the window, ichat with Mom and Dad off and on and wait.... a lot of waiting. I did get some school work done that day but not as much as I should have. But like I said, that day is over so... it's about tomorrow :P These are a couple of pics from saturday. As you can see.... it was a beautiful Hawaii day :) The bottom photo shows the line of boats leaving the Ala Wai harbor. I believe they went out about a mile out. The photo above was me trying to get a pic of all the boats that were just chilling off shore but it was a little out of range and I have a crappy camera. Needless to say, Hawaii was spared any real damage. There were some waves that sucked back and exposed some rocks/reefs that normally aren't seen during the day but nothing that would cause damage. But it was a long day monitoring the situation and the eery silence of downtown with hardly any cars on the road was weird and tiring.
Saturday night I headed out to Ewa beach to hang out with some folks and go to a wedding reception. No, I didn't know these newlyweds but it was fun. I've been talking to J, and it was a coworker of his sister-n-laws wedding reception. They were suppose to get married on Saturday on the beach but mother nature kinda delayed that whole thing but they still had the reception. So, as usually it's a little weird.... I knew just a handful of folks but a couple of drinks later, some good food and a fun drinking dancing game it was all good. We stayed till about 1 and then headed out. The drinking dancing game is like simon says with the stop/go/change partners.... if you can't get a parter then you do a shot. After a few rounds of this dancing partner swapping and drinking some folks were almost getting tackled to avoid having to drink. It was a lot of fun and it's a fun way to get to know everyone one, after awhile you don't care who you grab... guy girl... little kids walking by :P fun fun
Today (sunday) was an absolute lazy day. I already promised myself no school work today, and after drinking.... well laying around watching movies is the best thing in the world. I am drinking a cup of coffee right now though cuz I promised myself that every sunday that I have to apply to at least one job. So I still need to do that :( But I need a job and I hate stressing over it. I got a bottle of wine chilling in fridge to contradict this coffee though... when I got home I went across the street to get some bare necessities (wine, bread, eggs, milk... the normal single girl stuff). I decided to try different wines and break out of my usual. So I got this wine cuz I liked the bottle/label. I'll never be a wine specialist that's for sure, but I'll have fun trying this or that.
I decided that I am a city girl at heart. I like to go out to the country and spend time away but I LOVE being able to walk to stores to get stuff. Riding the bus can be fun or a pain in the ass but.... it's cool regardless.
Oh... I put in an application to volunteer in Kolkata India for 2 weeks in Aug. I don't know if I'll be employed or even where I'll be living but I couldn't pass up this awesome experience. It's with The Emancipation Network. According to the packet about the trip we go to shelters, we will be interacting with the kids there and we should bring stuff to do with them. We might also have outings with the kids to the beach or play sports with them (more than likely it will be soccer :P ) My nights will be free to explore the area WOOT and we'll have some free time to site see :D I figured this would be an awesome birthday gift to myself!!!! I would be flying home on my birthday but whatever. I know I'll just be overjoyed with this trip and will be on a major high from it so I'm cool with the long flights!

Well, I think my wine is chilled and I need to apply for a job....

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...