Monday, January 11, 2010

What a weekend!

It was a 3 day drill weekend and every day was something new... to promote or not to promote, that is the question ;)
All things happen for a reason, and things work to how they are suppose to. I'll just make sure I'm ready so I'm not surprised by anything!
Unfortunately I came away from drill weekend not feeling so well :( Off and on this past week I've been feeling under the weather and I think the H1N1 vaccine just pushed my immune system too far. I've had a sore throat since yesterday with the lovely addition of aches and pain :( BOO HISS! I feel as though my throat is the size of a dime! Oh well...
I have to had over the mini today, but other than that I don't have anything on my plate. Oh, except for class tonight.
There are just 5 more classes left in this winter semester and then it's straight into spring semester. I am signed up for 5 classes so I can graduate in 128 days!!!!! That's seems so small of a number :D

One thing I did realize over these past few drama filled days is that when you just take the attitude "it is what it is" and not get all wrapped up in everything it makes life a lot easier AND it seems like things fall into place. I got a little frustrated but when it came down to it and people were asking me "what I was going to do" or "how I felt about things" I did not let my emotions go. I would say that I was going to think on it, and just keep my emotions out of things and my weekend wasn't overly stressful. It was pretty nice!
When you keep yourself open to the universe and the take note of the gifts, however small, that are being granted to you... life can't help be good no matter what!
The hard part is seeing the "gifts" in things that are initially bad... I'm still working on that part :P

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...