Thursday, January 07, 2010

Rock n' Roll

I had plans this morning when I woke up since I had yet to buy any creamer :( I was going to get up and walk to the Waikiki Starbucks and get a coffee, a bagel, and study for my midterm tomorrow. Well.... best laid plans are usually interrupted :) Dad called and apparently Mom has realized how nice a big flat screen t.v. is and called Dad (she's in Utah) to see if I had sold the t.v. yet. I had a buyer but each time I've touched base with him, it's like I am interested but I'll get with you later and that's been it. So, Dad being the go getter he is sent me the money and came down and got the t.v. I went from 47" to 19" LOL! Yep it's a wee bit different but it's easy for me to turn the t.v. now and watch it while I'm laying in bed :D
Well by they time that was taken care of it was lunch time and I still hadn't had any coffee :( So sticking with my original plan I headed out and then remembered this cool place that I wanted to try out.
Rock Island Cafe is cute. It has all the memorabilia that you could want to look at, and it has all the good food stuff you'd expect from a 50's diner. So I went in and had a coke float and a BLT with avocado. Yum Yum but it is touristy so it was a little pricey. By the time I was done eating a major headache was forming so I walked back home. :(
I've laid down, but the headache didn't leave.
I needed to take care of some stuff online so... I decided to go ahead and post :P
I'm trying not to get stressed about what ifs but things are falling into place and I need to accept these gifts from the universe and acknowledge the good things. If I focus and stress about negative things, those things will come to pass...So it's all good stuff!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...