Monday, December 07, 2009


Next week is finals week, or in my case one final and two group presentations! Ugg on the group presentations, I'd rather just have a final.
There is no winter break for me. I am taking a class 3 nights a week and I asked to do about 6 man days with the HIANG.

I'm getting back to me, and finding my zen. In the past week I will say that I've had more good days that bad :) I have my moments but I'm getting stronger and stronger in that I can move past them quicker than I have in the past. I'm still seeing my therapist once a week, which has been helpful for me. It's funny cuz I never thought that a therapist of mine would utter the words homeostasis or quantum physics! But she does. The homeostasis has been brought up a lot lately. The first time it was mentioned was that I've noticed that when I am living with someone, my parents/friends/etc., when they are in a good mood... I am more than likely not. That has always bothered me and I've been aware of this... even in Utah. I am very in tune to others around me. I tend to give over my power to others, and take other's vibes/moods/emotions as personal or into my own space. Everything likes homeostasis. We've all learned this in science class right? It's the yin yang equivalent I suppose. So, I need to keep my own power, keep my own emotional space and vibe... and my moods won't vary with those close to me.
When my therapist first brought this up when I was still with my parents, I made an effort to be aware of it and to contain my own essence per say. I noticed a change, in that I wasn't so aware of everyone else's mood... and I took myself out of the situation of feeding into those moods. Once I was conscious of what was going on, I was able to deal with it. It was nice :) I am aware of moods and vibes around me, but I am able to separate them from who I am or what I'm feeling.
THEN I had to go and totally change the "balance" of one of my other relationships. As I told my friend tonight, I just didn't nudge it a wee bit but totally rocked it out of proportion... so we are taking slow and cautious steps to meet in the middle I think.

Everything needs a balance, within ourselves and with our relationships and I'm still figuring it all out ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...