Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm trying....

I've been working keeping my monkey brain in check, all the thoughts jumping around not doing me any good and usually end up putting me in a negative funk/depressing. I saw my therapist on Tuesday and she said that I've been doing great:) I mentioned I'm waiting on the "ah ha" moment of clarity and that I feel as though I should be further along or something. She said I could ask to speed things up and if the universe feels like it, it will.
I should have kept my brain shut on this one.
Last night in my dreams, I defiantly was working through some worries and fears. I woke up a little off but whatever... off to school. On the way to school I battled with my thoughts, even cried off and on and then decided to skip class and kept on driving through town to just drive around the island (if I wasn't on and island who knows where i would have ended up). I stopped at random scenic stops and beaches. So far so good and I was starting to get my zen back. Last beach stop... roll up the windows (forgot the back windows were half way down), get out the car, lock the car, and head down to the beach. Took some pics, went back to car.... back pack gone. But my phone was still there.
Called my bank
called a lifeline cuz I needed to hear his voice
called 2 credit cards companies... apparently within 30 minutes they stopped at the Circle K and used my discover's card
called mom
called dad
cried off and on... yes I'm still sitting at "the beach" this whole time in my car on the south side of the island.
head home, cry in the car off and on
... oh and i have to pee really bad at this point :P

get home, get on the computer do a fraud alert, rack my brain to visualize what else was taken with my bag... other than my wallet: school book that I have to do a presentation on, new laptop :(, school notebook with all my school stuff in it, school calender with all due dates etc.... take care of more stuff online, make phone calls, send emails

woke up with a headache and now it's increased to a full on stress hammer slammn' headache...

So with my new control of thoughts and with this new challenge how is it going?
It's hard...
Driving home I had these thoughts:
-thank God they didn't take my phone
-i hope they choke on whatever they bought at circle k (didn't even know we had these on island)
-i hope they get electrocuted by my laptop
-thank goodness they are hoodlums (I think I saw "them" when i got out of the car) so they are probably in it for fast $ and cheap thrills... in other words I don't feel as if they are smart enough to do major damage with my information cuz it would take too much time on their part
-it could be worse
-i was set up to volunteer all weekend for stuff in town... i backed out of those commitments cuz of my running around i have to do to get new IDs, so maybe it the universe wants me to take a break from running around
-the people that took my stuff obviously have issues... what goes around may come around
-it is what it is

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...