Friday, November 13, 2009

I now have some identification ;) (pics)

Yesterday was a long and somewhat crap day but it ended on a good note. I was catching up on my shows, thanks to good ol' Hulu, when a girlfriend called and asked about meeting them for dinner. I told her I had nothing... no money/no ID... she said I sounded like I needed it and she'd cover me. Can't beat that!
So off to the local sushi place and met up with her and a couple of her coworkers. They all did the sushi thing.. my dinner was gyoza, miso soup, and a slice of oreo cheescake! YUMMY! I had some warm sake also. I've had sake before and wasn't too much of a big fan but this was the first time I had it warm. I like it warm, it goes down better but once it cools down... not so much. After dinner my friend and I ended up in the parking lot talking about our paths that we are on, and they are pretty similar so we can relate to one another pretty well.
After our talk I figured I'd throw all my hang ups to the wind and be honest about some stuff. I felt better after letting the stuff go, but now what?
Back to school work, and getting my shit in order I suppose...

I made it to the DMV today, so now I have some ID. It was so weird not to have a picture ID on me at all times! Even now it's weird that I really have no real access to my $ till I get my new cards! When I went out to dinner last night I didn't order any alcohol cuz I sometimes get carded, but I should have :P I also did a police report today and he gave me more stuff to fill out since they did use one of my credit cards. Fun times ahead.

I'm keeping my zen pretty well. I felt the officer wondering about me and my laid back attitude, especially since my lap top was in my bag. What can I do? I'm doing what I can, crossing my "t's" and dotting my "i's" and that's about it. No point in holding on to the emotional results of this experience. I cried enough yesterday, let all the frustration/hurt/shame/irritation/pissed off/etc. go so today I'm still just a little tired from everything. I'm grateful that I bowed out of my volunteer stuff this weekend. Granted it is for a group project but whatever... I've been active in pretty much everything so far.

Here are the pics that I took before my bag was stolen. It is beautiful here and I was happy to be out there early in the morning. I need to complete my beach hoping journey another day, next time with my bathing suit, less stuff in the car, and I will make sure that all the windows are up when I lock the car ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...