Monday, November 23, 2009

Bottle of wine sort of day

It's my Mom's birthday :D in my greatness I spent the morning crying on her shoulder! I guess that's a good gift, not only am I giving them their privacy/house back but I was able to appreciate my Mom's words of wisdom. After a lot of talking, I loaded the car and was off to class, which I wasn't in the mood for.
After that, it's off to get the internet hooked up before moving most of my stuff back into the apartment. I drew #61, the were on #30! But... the line went smoothly and off I went with my internet in tow.
At the apartment I stopped at the managers office to pick up the keys, and he proceeded to want to have a conversation with me about relationships. Yep, almost started crying on that random guy. In the elevator, one of the maintenance guys saw me "where have you been", a quicks sum up of current events and I was off to my apartment.
After 3 trips to my car I was done for the day. Turned on my computer... it's broke, doesn't want to start up :( I try and try... nothing. I call the Apple guys and set up an appointment to have them look at my computer. Thank goodness for same day :D Too bad the outcome wasn't too good. We will see what tomorrow brings before all my pics and music are gone... they could be salvaged! Pray for me on that one!
Went across the street and picked up a bottle of wine, cheese and crackers, and some soup just in case I don't make it to the grocery store in the next day or so... Not only were they playing one of my favorite songs, but there was a yakitora stand that smelt good and brought me back to good memories of Okinawa :D
So a bottle of wine later and no school work complete... I feel o.k. Things will work out, they always will even when a shit storm hits. Rainbows will come out and the sun with shine.
I just need to be patient.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...