Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What a week

I'm happy that my folks are out of town for a week cuz I was able to stay home on Monday and not do a damn thing. I forced myself out to school yesterday and I'm glad I did. In my first class my teacher asked me where I was (I'm one of the only talkers in that class) and I told him I needed a mental health day. He then asked if I had dealt with it, to which I replied I'm still dealing with it. He mentioned that there are counselors at school and that if they (the class) could help in anyway then to let them know ;) The chip on the shoulder guy mentioned a big dog pile of a group hug! Awwww... he's growing on me! I had a nice break between classes and then for my second class we did a walking tour over to a Chinatown market place. We were suppose to go through a museum but the guy wasn't there (I'll need to go back on my own). We walked through the market place and checked out all the fresh produce! I love Chinatown! It just makes you want to cook :) They have a lot of asian foods also in the food court which I need to go back and try when I start actually having some money. I did get a bubble drink. I say drink and not tea cuz I got a strawberry smoothie. Not so sure about the tapioca balls but the teacher mentioned that they use mochi sometimes! I need to try that.
I took just a handful of pics while I was there. In one of the stores there was a shelf of these porcelain figures... really?! LOL

These are a couple of pictures looking down into the courtyard. They had a couple of figures, one was Confucius.

Our teacher took a picture of our class out front of the market place. Hopefully she'll send it out to the class. One of the other students in our class was dressed up as a Spartan for one of his other classes. It was AWESOME walking around Chinatown with a Spartan! I can't even describe the looks we got!

After Chinatown we went into the church that is right next to our school on Ft. Street Mall. It's the oldest Catholic church in Hawaii. It was really nice inside and I'll probably go back and take some pics when I have some downtime in between classes. It's so peaceful in there and you are in the midst of downtown surrounded by noise and people rushing here and there.
After that is was back home to my therapy session and boy was it needed. She's seeing me again on Friday....
Today I feel better. Malia managed to sit on my back and paw at me (scratch my back) in hopes that I would hurry up out of bed to feed her... it was 0630! I kept telling her that I can't move when she was sitting on me. She didn't get it for some reason :)

On a sadder note, the devastation in Samoa is close to home. A group of folks from my unit left this morning to give support and medical care. I can only imagine what they will see and deal with while they are there. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Well I need to get ready for school :( Oh I need 6 classes and not 2 :( Oh well, it will work out for the best. Hopefully I'll have everything done because I plan to graduate this coming Spring.

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...