Wednesday, September 02, 2009

25 Ways to Crawl out of a Black Hole

Thanks Jenna for this post!

1. Call an old friend. Reconnect and reminisce over silly experiences.

2. Do a good deed. Whether it’s replacing a worn-out toaster for the church kitchen or bringing fresh flowers to an elderly neighbor, taking action and filling a need feels great!

3. Go to the park and swing on a swing! Sure, you can take the kids with you if you want, but the idea is for you to go out and play for a change. Have fun, remember that free feeling as you sail up to the sky!

4. Pamper your feet. Give them a nice long soak in bath salts and feel the tension melt away. Follow up with a pumice scrub, some rich moisturizing cream and a fresh pedicure. Ah, the glamour of it all!

5. Meditate. How much time do you actually spend in silence during the day? Meditation is one of the BEST habits you can get into for increased productivity and creativity and reduced stress and tension.

6. Write a thank you note. It doesn’t have to be for anything in particular, just recognizing a special quality in someone. Everyone needs praise once in awhile, and it feels really good to give it!

7. Dance! Put on a favorite CD and crank up the boombox – get the blood flowing and that booty shaking... Feel free to sing and play air-guitar when the mood strikes, too!

8. Make something. Get creative. It could be a homemade chocolate pudding, a funky beaded bracelet or a painted silk scarf. Whatever it is, express yourself!

9. Simplify. Go through closets and drawers and get rid of old stuff you don’t need or don’t use. Give big bags of it to charity. An organized, clutter-free house is good feng shui!

10. Invert yourself. In yoga the headstand is called the “king of poses” because it is so good for you in so many ways. Defy gravity and get upside down for awhile!

11. Treat yourself to a blueberry smoothie. Throw frozen blueberries in a blender with some vanilla soy milk and a little protein powder. Yummy! And SO good for you, too… blueberries have been said to have even more nutrients than spinach!

12. E-mail love notes to your hubby and kids! That’s one way to get their attention when they’re on the computer 24/7… and chances are your e-mail box will have a little love in it when you sign on, too.

13. You don’t need to bake an apple pie to make your kitchen smell fabulous. Simply boil a pot of water with cinnamon in it! The fragrance will waft through the air and lift your mood to a state domestic bliss.

14. Gather all the loose change around the house – most of us have drawers and jars and boxes with varying amounts – and take it to one of those coin-counting machines that are at most supermarkets now. Spend the proceeds on something special: a bottle of champagne for you and your hubby, kites for the kids, an evening’s babysitter for a night out!

15. Laugh! Have a family comedy night. Tell jokes, pop in some old videos from when the kids were younger, play “old-fashioned” games like Twister and charades.

16. Take a drive with your husband and surprise him by parking on “lover’s lane.” Then kiss him, like you would if you were both in high school with a curfew.

17. Learn something new: sign-language, belly-dancing, candy-making.

18. Go for a bike ride, or roller-skate, or borrow your kid’s scooter, instead of walking one day.

19. Buy postcards of your hometown and send them to friends and family who are far away with a “wish you were here!” message.

20. Smiles are contagious. See how many you can spread today.

21. You’ve been working hard to tone those abs, now show them off! Get a belly button ring – either pierced, or clip-on, and look fabulous!

22. Try a fake tattoo on your ankle. Surprise your hubby by having his name printed in the middle of a heart.

23. Start your day inspired and enlightened. Instead of facing junk mail on your computer, let the first thing you read in the morning be a thoughtful, uplifting message. Go to and sign up for free weekday wisdom.

24. Look for signs, “pennies from heaven.” Whatever it is that is a reminder of what’s important to you, a connection with spirit, find it everyday. Some examples: butterflies, happy faces, daisies, stars. Wear your symbol (on a necklace, T-shirt, tattoo) to keep yourself “tuned in” during the day.

25. Give fabric purses a facelift by adding crystals, beading, or silk flowers. Just glue them on for a whole new look!

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