Thursday, September 03, 2009


If you've been following this blog you may have noticed that I've started back with therapy. I am seeing someone that has been extremely helpful to my parents, individually and with their relationship. One thing that intrigued me about her, before I started seeing her, was that she brought in different things... to find out what is helpful along with the traditional "talk therapy". Sometimes I wonder about what she wants me to try but I keep and open mind, and what works for me... go with it.
For example we have been working on the third eye technique. It seems to be a way to focus thoughts, and even meditate on issues. I've done it a few times in her office... I've been over come with tears and emotions, I've been given answers, I've felt at peace, and I've also have felt...nothing. I've even tried it on my own in that one day I was getting anxious and my mental thought process was going down hill. In her office we do it for about 15 min. On my own, the one time I tried it, I set my alarm for 15 minutes and just tried to focus my mind and switch my thinking to a more positive light. I didn't make it the full 15 minutes... BUT when I felt like getting up I did feel better, refreshed.
In my last session she asked about an animal that has always been a part of my life or what I've felt drawn to. I told her sea animals... dolphins or sea otter but it wasn't like an overwhelming DRAW to these animals. So, she asked me to try the TET (third eye technique) to see if anything comes up. I did, and I did not see one sea animal BUT I saw a beautiful white barn owl. Now, you can google the owl as a spirit guide and it's a mixed blessing of information. But like most things... I'll take what is good :D When I told the therapist that I saw an owl she asked me if I was surprised and I said "no". I actually was told this years ago by some random psychic lady at a renaissance festival in Utah. Things that make you hmmmmm huh?
We talked a little bit about crystals also because before this I was reading up on that, a long with chakras,... all that stuff has been interesting to me due to the fact it's been around for years. Look at acupuncture... for all I know it's the placebo affect, mentally focusing on something that you want to happen and it does. Whatever helps people right?! Meditation is another form of prayer, you are looking outward for help, guidance, strength... whatever you may need... even just some peace to focus on yourself.
Anyway when I brought up the crystals and what they can do to help she asked me if I have any... I do but I don't have them with me, and I explain that I over analyze things and not just go with stuff so I really haven't done anything with them. I question things a lot. She then had me focus on what I needed for this up coming week... my focus was for strength and esteem (my self esteem has always been a work in process, not very good) and see what is recommended for me. I got... hematite.
So I swung by Jungle Gems in Haliewa, just planning on picking up a crystal to have in my pocket but found a bracelet that was cheap and it totally called to me.
The information sheet they gave me for hematite says "called 'stone for the mind', helps mental attunement, memory enhancement, original thinking, and technical knowledge. Dispels heat. Facilitates balancing of the yin-yang energies using its magnetic qualities. Assists in dissolution of negativity. Said to facilitate attainment of peace, self control and inner happiness (HELLO!!! what I need!). Has a positive effect on bloodstream"
I also picked up a bracelet of Tiger's Eye (my favorite favorite) and it's description was, "said to be an emotional balancer and to enhance personal power and will. Grounding, centering, helps soften stubbornness. Aids clear perception and insight. Slightly masculine energy."
I don't know if it's me wanting things to work... but ever since I've been wearing the hematite bracelet, I don't feel as negative about things... mainly myself. Before the bracelet I had been working on feeling more positive with my thoughts and feelings, I've been walking taller, trying to keep my back straight. I've tried this before and it didn't last long and I'd be back to walking without the confidence... but this time I've been sticking with it and it's been easier for me, and it's been easier for me to smile. With the's been even easier and I don't feel as though my inner self is in major turmoil, I feel lighter :D
I do believe there is a connection between one's mind, body, and spirit. My connections have been somewhat jacked up so I'm working on that.
The mind is a powerful thing. Just look at the monks in freezing weather sitting there with steam coming off of their bodies. I don't plan on hanging out in Antarctica in a robe with my only way to heat myself is my mind... but I would like some peace, self confidence and self esteem :D

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...