Monday, August 31, 2009

Ups and Downs....

...thus is life. Yesterday I had a great day with Mom. We met at the mall and walked over to the Greek Festival. OPA! They had some venders, a handful of food booths, and a band and inside they had Greek dancing. After we got some food we decided to walk around until we figured out what to do next. Mom already had folks coming over to take care of the dogs so she was in no hurry to go home. Mom brought up going to Duke's for a drink. We parked closer to Waikiki and then walked along the beach. Duke's was busy, we never got a seat but we got a couple of drinks and enjoyed looking at all the people! After the drinks we stopped and had some dinner. Over all it was a nice relaxing afternoon and evening.
Today... ugh... paid bills, which is always depressing but more so when you don't see any money coming in. After that depressing action this morning, my motivation to do much or even go out was sucked out of me. So I napped on the couch until Coco decided she wanted to get up on the couch and then proceeded to take up half the couch.
I know mentally I need to get out and DO something, but it's hard to take that first step when I don't have to go out and do anything.
Tomorrow I will check out a new beach!

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...