Friday, August 28, 2009

Therapy and a bottle of wine ;)

Went and saw my therapist today, yes I just saw her on Wednesday but she wanted to see me sooner than a week later and I wasn't about to argue with her. I am trying to keep the majority of my purging of my drama onto her, that's why she's getting paid ;) It's emotionally draining but by the time the hour is up, I do feel a little bit more centered compared to how I was when I entered. So much so, that afterwards I actually wanted to eat something today! My appetite has been close to non existent lately.
Not only did I get something to eat, I bought some fun nail polish and a bottle of wine (it's chilling in the fridge as I type WOOT).
She made some observations today that were true about me, things I've known but it's always nice to get some clarification from someone on the outside looking in. She is also telling me stuff that I know in my mind, but I haven't been able to put into actions or feel in my soul. She is going to help me with my issues and working things out and she pointed out that it won't be an easy journey which I know and I don't expect this to be an overnight thing.
I want to find happiness with myself. She said when you are happy with yourself, and are not looking to someone else to fill a void/fix things/or fill a need, then their little hang ups won't bother me so much.
We touched on my past relationships, this has only been my 3rd session so there is always something new coming out.
I'm glad that I'm talking with her. Specially today, I've had a couple of long phone conversations between the two visits that were emotionally draining. I'm getting pressured to do this or do that.... I just need to breathe! So I asked Mom and Dad if I could stay with them for a couple of months so I can save some money and see what is going to happen when it comes to the apartment. So, I'm going to enjoy this last week of no school. Maybe take in some tourist cheap stuff, check out some new beaches, and just "be".

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...