Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Randomness of a day

Well, I headed over to the folks house today so I can see my therapist and see some flowers. I figured out that Coco will disappear if I don't chain her up right away. Dogs always know when you are leaving.
Well, I went out, took Coco out, had my purse/keys etc. but I stopped and got clean water in the 2 water dishes and fresh bath/bin water for the psycho mean lonely duck Donald. Well, in the midst of the water duties Coco was sitting there watching me, I looked up at her and she ran! O.k., whatever... I finished the watering and then started to call for Coco. No response, nor return of said dog. Soooo I kept calling, acted like I was going inside blah blah blah... nothing/no dog :( UGH I walked around the house, which is no easy feat, and she appears on the other side (this is like 5 minutes later). I get her around back and hook her up and I'm on my way. I decided to take the long way around the island and enjoy the scenery... unfortunately my mind's constantly going so I didn't appreciate it as much but it was still a pretty drive. When I got to the folks house I got to appreciate the flowers and stash the card in my wallet for further review :D

Pretty and purple :D

Anyhoo... therapy was draining, but I guess most therapy is. It comes down to keep my thoughts positive, I'm a strong woman, I have a list of intentions to focus on that I will have accomplished in 6 months, and tools to help with my healing so I can move forward. It's all good.
Before going to therapy I was talking to Mom about things and we both feel like we make things WAY too complicated. We over analyze things to death...which in turns causes us grief. I need to stop that and just "be" in the moment. Not compare my life now with what I use to have. My life is in the here and now, not my past nor my future but now. I need to do things for me, to respect myself enough to take care of myself, do things that bring me joy and not try to adapt to someone else's ideal of me. I need to find my niche, and with that I will find my happiness and won't feel like I'm lost in my own life. This road will be hard, and probably possibly lonely but that's how we figure out who exactly we are and what makes us "tick".
I have a week until school starts. A week that I should relax and do things that bring me joy and happiness. I am going to stop analyzing my life and my past, stop beating myself up for things that have happened and just focus on my well being, and my happiness. No one can give me happiness but me :D I have a week that I should be stress free, cuz once school starts all bets are off with trying to stay stress free!

When I got home, I was welcomed by an extremely happy Coco. I feel bad for her constantly being harassed by Donald. I guess she wasn't too happy with me either cuz my "house slippas" were reduced to this:

I couldn't be mad at her, I kinda worried about this when I left them by the door, and I'd rather her chew up those slippas than chew up Donald ;)

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Life is work!

Every day at work I see it, people wanted a quick fix or an easy way to feel/do better.  They always seem a little surprised when I say that...